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This Shit Is Abstract

The Rock Paper Shotgun logo repeated multiple times on a purple background
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

Mentisworks has posted an excellent review of the 'best' 27 indie art games ever. The author explains:

When I think of art that has influenced me most, it is generally work done by individuals. I can't recall the last time a corporation created a brilliant painting. I find that this also tends to be true in the emerging area of art games. Individuals are not generally driven to create purely for profit, and have more leeway to experiment and create according to their own artistic vision.

I thought it was time to compile a "best of" list for art games, because there has only been one other such list that I recall online. I'm sure someone will correct me on that point if there has been in fact another well drafted list somewhere out there.

THERE IS NO LIST. These games, then, are works of modern bedroom programming. One man (perhaps sometimes two men), a PC, and a vision. I'd contend the placing, naturally, and not just because such judgments are subjective, but because I have supernatural access to the absolute values of all things, especially games. I am a transcendental critic, and I say In A Deep Forest should be at number five.

This stuff from Iteration Games is hot, Hot! HOT! 'Anti-shooter' should be a widely recognised genre.

Yes sir, there are some classics in there, despite, as the intro mentions, the fact that he's had to discount some of the lost works of genius that aren't playable by all. So go and take a look, right now. Go on, stop reading this sentence. Honesty I'm not going to impart any more information, these words are complete filler. Really, see, you're wasting your time even scanning along this far. I'm not going to say anything else worth your reading. Go!

Via GameSetWatch.

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