9-Bit Armies: A Bit Too Far is a both enjoyable and vaguely disappointing RTS
Populus Voxeli
9-Bit Armies: A Bit Too Far is, I fear, one of those games I'll have to figure out exactly how I feel about by writing about it and seeing what happens. You can tell just by looking that it's visually striking, all high definition yet tiny, colourful buildings and units that people use the word "voxel" about when we're pretending anyone knows what those are. It's a Good Thing.
It's also a deliberate throwback to the original RTS days, with harvesters effectively collecting cash from fixed map points, and a very Command & Conquer building/training panel with unit portraits and spinning progress dials. It's pretty faithful, and stops short of slavishly cloning. This is, I suppose, a good thing. Still, I'm not sure whether my lukewarm feelings are because it's doing something wrong, or I'm just not that interested in doing all that mid-late 90s stuff again.
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