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A Crews Missile To The Face: The Expendables 2

The Expendables 2 is perfect for a videogame adaptation. It should include lots of violence with very little happening in between, explosions bigger than a planet and, heck, it's already a sequel. Bizarrely, the trailer implies that the experience of playing the game will be made more hazardous due to the understanding that Terry Crews, pictured above, will kidnap and repeatedly punch players if they expend his expendable character too many times. Even stranger than that is the fact that The Expendables 2 appears to be some sort of adventure game...


That is one peripheral that will never catch on.

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OK, sure, it's not an adventure game at all. It's an everything-shooter in which it's probably possible to fire tanks out of a gun, which then fire shells that explode and shower the surrounding area with more guns. Maybe it'll be a bit like Renegade Ops.

Four player co-op, an August 17th release date and a plot that I just read about but have immediately ejected from my mind like a spent casing.

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