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A List Of Warhammer 40,000 Games I Wish Existed

Heretic's Story and more

I tried out Eisenhorn: Xenos earlier today, as part of my restless search for non-heretical Warhammer 40,000 adaptations - a question I continue in despite having been burned so many times so often of late. Question is, what would make an ideal 40K game? Well, the beauty of the maximalist sci-fi, in equal parts dark and silly, is that it can be turned to a great many things, but the execution is often lacking. One of the reasons for that it that 40K would seem to demand immense spectacle: the scale and excess of its setting and bestiary cannot easily be achieved on the cheap. So, these daydreams are ideal-world fond imaginings, from a reality where any 40K game can enjoy the budget of a triple-AAA murder sim. They are not games that could ever really exist. OR ARE THEY?

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Alec Meer: Ancient co-founder of RPS. Long gone. Now mostly writes for rather than about video games.
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