A Multitude Of Synths: Acid Defender
BLOPPITY, BUMP, TSSSHHH, BEEE BLOOP. I used to be in a band, but looking back I don't think my instrument was ever plugged in. My job was to stand on a stage and look moody. Perhaps my lack of ability goes some way toward explaining why I'm so excited whenever I find a game or toy that lets me make music just by clicking a button or two. Acid Defender is a brilliant browser-based music-making experiment and I haven't listened to anything else this morning. BEEP, BLOOP, BEEPITY, TSSSHHH. Play it here. Via @jennatar.
There are a couple of other audio experiments, including one inspired by Conway's Game of Life. That one is kind of terrifying. I keep pressing 'reset' and hoping that the next iteration won't sound like a choir of haunted angels regurgitating glass harps.