And Then There's The Minecraft Papercraft
Look, we do try to write interesting, entertaining or at least semi-legible words about games, not just point and bellow 'HERE IS A FAN-THING ABOUT A GAME WOT WE QUITE LIKE.' Sometimes, though, it's hard not to just go 'awwww' and 'Oh God I want that so much.'
The constructor of the above delight, a man from a land down under is here. Sounds as though there's a hundred thousand similar projects out there, but a fine starting point to do it yourself would be the 'standardised papercraft' downloadable schematics here. See two bigger pics below.
Here's the early stages, with jumbso explains was done during the gaps in his work days:
"This is what I spend my time doing at work (When I’m not working hard, obviously). Papercraft, of minecraft. Two incredibly nerdy things but I think the results are pretty cool. I don’t understand how people have the patience to sit there and make pagodas or anything shaped differently than a box, though."
And here's the finished models: