Blood Bowl II Wants To Show You Its Grass
Parisian football
Its crowds and players and logo-adorned ball too, but mostly grass. Thick, lustrous, individually-bladed grass, with shadows and everything. It's like kicking a ball - and some heads - in a Crysis game. Whether these are screenshots or bullshots remains to be seen, but they've done the intended job of making me goo "ooh! That looks lovely, in a spiky-shouldered, maiming-heavy sort of way!"
This is the first time we've posted about Cyanide's sequel to RPS Forum-fave Blood Bowl since its announcement in February, but in fairness little else has been revealed in that time.
Let's start off with the newest screens, which show off an Orc-themed stadium. The first is above, and the second is below. Click to embiggen, as these tiddlers don't do much for the impressive scale:
There's also these two shots we missed last month, which offer less sense of scale but much more (too much, perhaps) depth of field:
Plus, this see, gee, aye trailer from over the Summer, revealing there will be WACKY COMMENTARY:
Promised enhancements for BB2 including a new graphics engine, animations, campaign and league modes and, most needed of all, a new interface they call 'Cabalvision.' Which sounds a lot like paranoid internet commentators who regularly accuse games journalists of corruption and illicit collusion suffer from.