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Brazilian Bundle: Super BR Jam

Bundles from Brazil

There was a time when I spent most of my day posting about bundles, to the extent that I didn't actually play any new games at all. I'd just list the contents of whatever bundle landed in my inbox, embed a video and check that the 'pay what you want' offer actually let people submit less than a dollar. Then I'd hit the publish button and move onto the next big thing. Which would be another bundle. I thought all of that was in my past but the Super BR Jam has caught my eye, with a decent set of commercial titles for anyone paying more than $5 and the results of the jam (now finished) available whatever the price paid. Dungeonland, Magicka, The Showdown Effect and Knights of Pen and Paper all have Paradox in common, and plenty of people probably own them already, but the standout is Qasir al-Wasat, which I wish I'd pointed more eyes toward when I played the demo.

Here's a video promoting the bundle, with information about the charity that will benefit from takings.

And here's the lovely esoteric stealth shenanigans of Qasir al-Wasat.

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