Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War walkthrough
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is the latest in Activision's giant FPS series. We've been playing a whole lot of it, including the fancy pants campaign with all its branching options, as well as our classic bread-and-butter multiplayer guides. We've even been diving into Zombies mode, which has been an absolute treat, and unearthing special strats to help you get all the way to the later rounds.
We've been playing Cold War pretty much solidly since its release, so have had the chance to hop into all the modes in-depth. It's a pretty big game though, so expect us to keep on publishing guides as we learn more about the game, and as Treyarch continue to release more and more Black Ops Cold War content. We've got all our guides in categories, so use our handy navigation below to find the pages you're after.
Black Ops Cold War: Campaign
If you're struggling with any aspects of Ronald Reagan's Bizarre Adventure, we've been hard at work figuring out the mysteries which lie behind the clues. Sidequests, passcodes, and all the endings ahead!
- Cold War: Safehouse codes
- Cold War: Operation Chaos
- Cold War: Operation Red Circus
- Cold War: Campaign endings
Black Ops Cold War: Multiplayer
Here are our pages to help you figure out multiplayer, including how to use split screen and exactly what the deal is with Prestige:
Cold War: Multiplayer
Cold War: Guns
This is a big one - the best guns in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. We're putting together comprehensive guides on each and every weapon in the game, so check back later if your favourite isn't here yet!
- Cold War: Best guns
- Cold War: Best classes
- Cold War: Best assault rifles
- Cold War: Best SMGs
- Cold War: Best sniper rifles
- Cold War: Best AUG class
- Cold War: Best AK-47 class
- Cold War: Best Krig 6 class
- Cold War: Best XM4 class
- Cold War: Best Bullfrog class
- Cold War: Best MP5 class
- Cold War: Best M16 class
- Cold War: Best Pelington 703 class
- Cold War: Weapon stats
Black Ops Cold War: Zombies
If you're having a rough time facing off against the undead, we've been struggling too. Over time though, life has gotten a whole lot easier, so here's all the Zombies guides we've put together:
- Cold War Zombies: Everything you need to know
- Cold War Zombies: Best loadout, guns and field upgrades
- Cold War Zombies: How to get the Easter Egg
- Cold War Zombies: How to Pack a Punch
- Cold War Zombies: How to play solo
We'll be adding more guides as we publish them.