Best Battle Rifle in Modern Warfare 3
These are the best Battle Rifles in MW3
Want to know which Battle Rifle is the best in Modern Warfare 3 right now? Battle Rifles make their return in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and are solid weapons for packing extreme damage and medium-to-long range into a single package. While their relatively mediocre handling and slower fire rate makes them one of the lesser-used options in multiplayer, they're still versatile firearms thanks to their ability to switch between full-auto and semi-auto modes. They're also great for taking chunks out of enemy health, which is particularly important here since MW3 features a pool of 150 base health for every player instead of 100.
Thanks to MW3's Carry Forward system, all of the Battle Rifles from Modern Warfare 2 are usable in the latest entry in the COD series. We've outlined the complete roster in detail, so read on for our rundown of the best Battle Rifles in Modern Warfare 3!
What is the best Battle Rifle in Modern Warfare 3?
There are eight different Battle Rifles in MW3. And our pick for the best Battle Rifle is the BAS-B, a newcomer to the Modern Warfare franchise. Thanks to its great handling and big power, this beast of a weapon beats the competition, and it also wins a high spot on our list of the best guns in Modern Warfare 3.
Here is our tier list of Battle Rifles in Modern Warfare 3:
- Sidewinder
- MTZ-762
- FTAC Recon
- Lachmann-762
- S0-14
- Cronen Squall
We've highlighted the major details of each Battle Rifle below, with some more explanation about why we've ranked them as we have.
8. Cronen Squall

We weren't massive fans of the Cronen Squall in Modern Warfare 2, and our opinion hasn't changed in MW3 - the recoil is just wildly inconsistent. It's possible to tolerate a sizable kickback for big damage, but the Cronen Squall's relatively low damage stats don't match up to the other Battle Rifles listed here.
There's still potential to nail a headshot or two with this rifle's full auto mode. With all the new Battle Rifles available in Modern Warfare 3, though, this gun unfortunately falls to the bottom of our list.
7. S0-14

The S0-14 kicked like a mule in Modern Warfare 2 and the same is true here, making it a tricky Battle Rifle to use at full-auto. If you can get over that intense recoil, it makes for a decent gun at mid-to-long-range semi-auto engagements, and can surpass the damage of the Lachmann-762 and TAQ-V if you outfit it right.
If you do want to use the S0-14, focus on making it a more controllable rifle. You're going to want as many attachments as possible to bring that recoil bounce down, like the 22" Boremaster Barrel or the FTAC Ripper 56.
6. Lachmann-762

The Lachmann-762 lies solidly in a space just ahead of the Cronen Squall and S0-14 in terms of recoil and fire rate, but it can't quite match the Battle Rifles ranked higher on this list. In terms of damage output at mid-to-long range, though, it's a decent choice, especially when paired with another primary weapon via the Gunner Vest.
We recommend using the Lachmann-762 alongside your preferred SMG to tear up the map at all possible ranges. Try it with the Striker, the Rival-9, or the Lachmann Sub.
5. TAQ-V

The TAQ-V was one of the most formidable Battle Rifles in Modern Warfare 2 with excellent starting stats. It still remains a great long-range option in MW3, though it falls a little short of the other Battle Rifles on this list in terms of damage and handling.
Despite this, you can't go wrong with the TAQ-V if you want a Battle Rifle that starts off great even without attachments. For advice on kitting it out and reducing its considerable recoil, keep an eye out for our guide to the best TAQ-V loadout.
4. FTAC Recon

Our favourite Battle Rifle from Modern Warfare 2, the FTAC Recon is still one of the best in MW3 for its sheer power. It doesn't rank higher on this list since it still only takes 10 Round Mags by default, but 10 shots delivered at semi-auto middle-to-long range will still kill most opponents if you land them correctly.
In short, you're going to want as many attachments that increase damage as possible with the FTAC Recon, so you can drop foes instantly in any combat situation.
3. MTZ-762

The MTZ-762's a new Battle Rifle that features a fairly slow rate-of-fire but a proper punch, especially in semi-auto mode. If you can master the hefty bounce that occurs every time you pull the trigger, this is a superb weapon for landing those two-shot headshots - or if you miss, those three-shot kills.
To make the most of the MTZ-762, choose attachments like the HMRES Mod Suppressor and the MTZ-Precision Blackthorn barrel for a substantial bump to bullet velocity and range as well as handling. The Bruen Archangel MK2 or RB Crotalus Assault stocks are also great for minimising this gun's hefty recoil. For more intel, check out our guide on the best MTZ-762 loadout in Modern Warfare 3.
2. Sidewinder

The Sidewinder's another fresh entry to the Battle Rifle arena and delivers excellent damage at close to mid-range, unlike the other weapons on this list. This range versatility makes it a viable choice for many situations where normally you'd revert to a SMG, winning it the second spot on our list.
Since the Sidewinder's more useful for close engagements than MW3's other Battle Rifles, it's worth loading it with an attachment that amps up movement speed, like the Lachmann MK1 Light Stock.
1. BAS-B

The BAS-B's the last new Battle Rifle in MW3. It outclasses the Sidewinder and MTZ-762's stats, especially when it comes to reliable, all-around performance that masters that delicate Battle Rifle balance between big power and excessive recoil. With the right attachments, this is our favourite gun for guarding tight zones and chokeholds on the map, blasting anyone who intrudes on your turf into smithereens.
Be sure to equip the Bruen Venom Long Barrel to bump up your range, and use the Bruen Lau4 Light Precision Stock, VT-7 Soulstealer Suppressor, or the D37 Grip for the best possible handling experience.
That's a wrap on the best Battle Rifles in MW3. For a quick list of the best firearms in the game, take a peek at our guide to the best guns in MW3. For more help choosing the right gun for you, head to our pages on the best Assault Rifles and best Sniper Rifles in MW3. Our guide to the best Modern Warfare 3 loadouts will also come in handy for helping you get those killstreaks as efficiently as possible.