[CENSORED]: Special Forces: Team X
Imagine if I were to write a [CENSORED] where you couldn't understand [CENSORED] that was going [CENSORED] because [CENSORED] bars were everywhere for no apparent [CENSORED]. Wouldn't that be [CENSORED]? And yet, that's exactly what the latest trailer of Blacklight [CENSORED] Zombie Studios' Special Forces: Team X does, probably because [CENSORED]. It's a weird choice, to say [CENSORED]. Watch the parts of it that are actually visible after the [CENSORED]. Break. Break is what I said there. Gosh, these things are annoying.
Happily, those very insistent bars won't in any way be present in the actual game. So said Zombie Studios: "It doesn't [have the bars]. We just did that for the trailer for fun." Beyond that, it looks like a fairly standard third-person blast-'em-up, but with a dollop of cartoon zaniness to top it off. Meanwhile, the ability for both teams to select map tiles sounds fascinating - if only because "100s of map combinations" mean rote map memorization won't be quite as key to winning the day anymore.
Is that twist enough to carry what looks to be an otherwise solid-but-standard shooter, though? That remains to be seen. If nothing else, Zombie did an excellent job of making tiny tweaks go a long way in Blacklight: Retribution, so there's reason to be hopeful. Special Forces is slated to drop "this fall," which is nice. I mean, can you imagine if it ended up in that other fall instead? No one likes that fall. I've asked. Somebody even told me it's a bit of a racist.