Chasm Kickstarts ARPG Ambitions With A Demo
It sure is a life-affirming thing when folks supply Windows, Mac, and Linux versions of a demo to promote their Kickstarter. There it is! You can play 2D ARPG Chasm before you choose to pledge. It's also pretty great when the game contains "procedurally generated Metroid-like dungeons", which is the claim for Chasm. It's ringing the retro bell pretty loudly, as they explain: "Chasm was heavily influenced by games like Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid and Diablo."
For elucidation, check out their pitch video and trailer below, or just swoop by their page and pick up one of the flavours of demo.
Not looking bad. But then they are asking for a glistening $150,000. That seems like a fair whack for something from the 16-bit era. Doesn't it? Well, it does to me. So there.