Choose Your War: Op Flash 2 & ArmA II Trailers
In the great Operation Flashpoint 2 Vs. ArmA II debate, I'll tell you which side I come down on. I'm on [the opposite side to you]. I can't believe you think the other game is the better one! What about all the inevitable problems with AI?! It's so unrealistic in your game that you can run so far/reload so quickly, and it's just ludicrous that you [something about damage]. What ARE you thinking? In case there's anyone who's yet to pick a side (because it is AGAINST THE LAW to want to enjoy both), there's a new trailer showing off OpFlash 2's spooky night time paranoia, and a military tactics montage from ArmA II. The latter is of course already released, and you can read Jim's review here. OpFlash 2 is due in September-ish.
Here's the new dark footage of Operation Flashpoint 2:
And here's a montage of various bits and bobs you can do in ArmA II (although it fails to come close to the full awesomeness of this):