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Come To Rezzed In Brighton On July 6th/7th!

Comrades! Come and celebrate the rightness of the one true format with us in Brighton in July.

Friday 6th and Saturday 7th at the Brighton Centre will feature presentations from heroes of PC gaming such as Introversion and The Creative Assembly, playable as-yet-unreleased games like Aliens: Colonial Marines and Borderlands 2, and even a 15-minute developer demo of Firaxis' X-COM title. The RPS men will be there, drinking tea, probably. Or perhaps a refreshing juice. Or coffee in John's case. He's almost an American. But never mind that: come, join us! Because there's a bunch of other stuff going on, too: a quiz, board games, indie games, and some RPS readers' drinks and gentle chat in the evening at a nearby pub.

It's called Rezzed, in case you missed that, and tickets are available now, Now, NOW!

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