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Age Of Conan: Hyborian Hyperbole

Remember Age of Conan? That MMO everyone was dead excited about until it turned out to be just a less compelling and slightly broken version of mmmpmmmpphgggrraaamppphmmmle [gagged by his fellows to protect him from death at the hands of Angry Internet Men]?

Anyway, clearly it's still alive, and after a few patchless weeks is now working hard to stop the rot, even in the face of terrifyingly strong competition. The current focus is on reworking the PvP element of the game, which I suspect was what a lot of people signed up for in the first place. I confess I don't know how Conan's PvP worked/will work, but apparently this update involves specific PvP XP and gear, with some Notoriety system incoming. More details on Massively, who speculate Conan might be getting its second wind. Anyone agree? Anyone here still playing it, in fact?

Someone who doesn't agree is Funcom co-founder Gaute Godager, who's quitting the company as a result of Conan not being what he'd hoped. "I have done my very best making this fabulous game, but I have concluded there are elements which I am dissatisfied with," quoth he. His shoes are to be filled by the guy who heads up Anarchy Online. Did he fall or was he pushed? More details on VG247.

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