Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard
Our Dead Space walkthrough continues into Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard
Looking for a Dead Space remake walkthrough? Our Dead Space remake walkthrough continues onto Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard! As we approach the mid-way point of Dead Space, Isaac must clear noxious gas from the Ishimura and fight a big boss in the process. It's one of the longer sections, but we're here to help you through every step.
In this section of our Dead Space remake walkthrough, we'll guide you through Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard, helping you find any Power Nodes, Text and Audio Logs, and Security Clearance doors while completing the main quest.
You can navigate this Dead Space walkthrough using the pages below:
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 1: New Arrivals
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 2: Intensive Care
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 3: Course Correction
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 5: Lethal Devotion
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 7: Into the Void
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 8: Search and Rescue
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 9: Dead on Arrival
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 10: End of Days
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 11: Alternate Solutions
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 12: Dead Space
Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard
With the Hunter dead and Liquid Nitrogen in hand, it's time to remove the toxic gas from the USG Ishimura. To do that, you must head to Hydroponics. Grab the Tissue Sample from the Hunter and leave the Cryogenic Lab by heading through the room where you activated the terminal to kill the Hunter. This leads back to the Bridge Tram Station, so continue following the corridors until you reach your destination.
When you arrive at the Bridge Tram Station, board the tram and take it back to Tram Control. Then, head to the Trap Repair Room (where you first fixed the tram in Chapter 1) and through the now-unlocked door to Hydroponics.
When you arrive at the Hydroponics Tram Station, make sure to grab an Audio Log on the right. Then, override the lockdown to unlock this as a new fast travel point. With the Tram Station unlocked, continue into the Hydroponics Central Hub.
Interact with the terminal in Hydroponics Central Hub to synthesise the Enzyme needed to clear the toxic gas. Then, head into Food Storage and make your way towards the locked door. Elizabeth Cross will then appear on a video call to inform you of the Leviathan, the course of the toxic gas spreading around the Ishimura.
Cross will then direct you to inject the Enzyme into various Wheezers spread across the Hydroponics area, rather than into the Leviathan directly. Turn and head back to the Hydroponics Central Hub to get started.

How to find Wheezer #1 and get the Force Gun
There are eight Wheezers that you need to find altogether. To find the first, head through the door labelled West Tower and into Flow Control. You need to run past the acid sprays to a lift on the other side, but first head into the doors on the left. You'll find a Ripper Upgrade in the first room, and a Bench where you can spend Power Nodes in the second. Then, use the cargo lift and kill the Necromorph at the top.
Head into the West Grow Chamber and clear the room of Necromorphs. Then, look around for a Security Clearance door labelled Seedling Room A that you can open, within which you'll find the Force Gun. Grab your new weapon and continue into Seedling Room B to find your first Wheezer. Interact with it to inject the Enzyme.

How to find Wheezer #2
Head back into the Grow Chamber and take the central cargo lift to Floor 3. When you reach the upper levels, continue along the walkway to find Cross' lab, where you can inject the second Wheezer. You'll also find a Text Log on a desk within.

How to find Wheezer #3
Use the lift again and head to Floor 2, where you can head into the Refrigeration Tower. This leads to the West Refrigeration Core, where an endless stream of Necromorphs will burst from the fans ahead. Fight through them to reach the other side, where you can exit into the Refrigeration Tower and save your game. Then, continue into the tower, stopping at the containers opposite the door to find a Power Node. When you're ready, head through the blue vac-seal nearby and enter zero gravity.
In this zero-gravity section, you must head up the tower while using Kinesis to move platforms that are blocking your progress. The first time through is relatively safe, so simply head up until you reach the top, where you can exit the vacuum. Kill the Necromorphs ahead and then inject the third Wheezer with the Enzyme.

How to find Wheezer #4
Float back down the zero-gravity tower and avoid the Necromorph that's leaping between the walls. When you reach the bottom, exit the vacuum and turn to kill it before it chases you through. Then, head back through the Refrigeration Core and into the Grow Chamber. As you pass through the door, use the nearby circuit breaker to transfer power from Jungle Ambience to Doors, which opens Hydroponics Control on the opposite side. You'll find the fourth Wheezer inside.

How to find Wheezer #5
Next, take the door that leads into the East Grow Chamber. Use the nearby cargo lift to go down to the lower level, where an alarm will sound. Kill the large Necromorph that appears by slowing it with Stasis and firing at the weak point on its back. Then, head into East Seedling Room A and inject the fifth Wheezer.

How to find the Deck Systems Keycard and Wheezer #6
Proceed back into the Grow Chamber and head over to the circuit breaker on the wall. Insert the nearby power core, and then look at the circuit breaker. You'll need the Deck Systems Keycard to actually use it, but luckily you can find it nearby. Find East Seedling Room B, which is filled with toxic gas. You can't get to the Wheezer within right now, but you can find the Deck Systems Keycard on a desk. Grab it and return to the circuit breaker to turn on zero-gravity.
Now that you're in zero-gravity, use your suit thrusters to reach the highest level walkways, which the cargo lift cannot reach. You'll find a sixth Wheezer here on the upper walkways. Then, head down a floor using your thrusters, and go through the door labelled Air Filtration Hall.

How to find Wheezer #7 and get the Force Energy Schematic
Proceed through the following corridor and towards the door on the other end. As you open the door, a large meaty hand will grab you once again and start pulling you to your doom. Spin around and shoot at the bright growth spot to hit its weak point and destroy the arm before you're killed. Once it's over, continue into the Air Filtration Tower. In a container on the wall opposite the door, you'll find a Power Node.
Yet again, you must use your suit thrusters to head up this tower. However, this one has various sparking fuses that you must hit with Stasis before you can move past. Keep climbing until you find another vac-seal and can exit zero-gravity. As you go, look for rooms around the edge to find some extra items and the Force Energy Schematic.

Use the terminal at the top to switch off turbine control, and then head into the Filtration Tube Annex. Take the cargo lift down to the lower level of this room and smash the nearby fuse that leads into Filtration Tube 1. These tubes periodically blast a huge torrent of flames that will immediately kill Isaac, so you must time your run to get through each one. There are three in total, and each has a door that you can open by smashing a fuse.
When you reach the other side, you'll find a cargo lift that you can use to find the seventh Wheezer. Inject them with the Enzyme, and then head into the nearby Annex Control Room to find a Text Log.

How to find Wheezer #8
The Control Room does lead back to the Tower, but turn back around and take the door leading back to the East Grow Chamber instead. Ride the cargo lift down and proceed into the next room to find the final Wheezer. Inject it with the Enzyme, and then shoot the nearby growth to clear this corridor and get back into the main Grow Chamber.
Now, you need to head back to the Hydroponics Central Hub, where you can now access Food Storage. When you arrive, head down the corridor and use the terminal to release the Airlock. Unfortunately, the Leviathan is still too strong, so you'll need to head in and finish it off yourself. Prepare for one of the first proper boss fights in the Dead Space remake!

How to defeat the Leviathan
When you enter Food Storage, you'll switch to zero-gravity. Quickly use Kinesis to grab any ammo and med-packs that are floating around the room. Then, it's time for a fight, as the Leviathan will become active.
In the first phase, you must wait for the long tendrils to fire out before dodging. Then, they'll pause in place for a second, exposing a glowing weak point at the point where it connects to the Leviathan. Fire at the weak point of each tendril to deal damage to the boss.

When the lights briefly flash off, you'll proceed onto the next phase of the fight. In this section, the Leviathan will fire Necromorph projectiles at you, but you can use Kinesis to grab them in mid-air and fire them back into its mouth. Continue doing this to deal damage to the boss, while dodging any that you fail to grab.

When you've dealt enough damage, the room will fill with toxic gas and you'll proceed into the final phase. In this section, it will use a mix of both tendrils and the Necromorph projectiles to attack, so you'll need to get used to dodging both. Fortunately, this also gives you two ways to deal damage.
We found it easiest to focus on dodging the tendrils while dealing damage primarily using the Necromorph projectiles, as stopping to fire at the tendrils leaves you too exposed. Deal enough damage and the lights will flicker again, before the Leviathan finally dies.
As you head back into the Hydroponics Central Hub, you'll complete Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard.
For help with Chapter 7: Into the Void, continue onto the next page of our Dead Space remake walkthrough.