Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 8: Search and Rescue
We continue into Chapter 8: Search and Rescue in our Dead Space walkthrough
Looking for a Dead Space remake walkthrough? Our Dead Space remake walkthrough heads into Chapter 8: Search and Rescue. This chapter focuses on deploying a comms device that you can use to contact another ship and request help. However, you'll also stumble into a boss fight against an old foe.
In this section of our Dead Space remake walkthrough, we'll guide you through Chapter 8: Search and Rescue, helping you find any Power Nodes, Text and Audio Logs, and Security Clearance doors while completing the main quest.
You can navigate this Dead Space walkthrough using the pages below:
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 1: New Arrivals
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 2: Intensive Care
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 3: Course Correction
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 5: Lethal Devotion
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 7: Into the Void
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 8: Search and Rescue
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 9: Dead on Arrival
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 10: End of Days
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 11: Alternate Solutions
- Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 12: Dead Space
Dead Space walkthrough Chapter 8: Search and Rescue
Chapter 8 begins in the Mining Tram Station, but your first objective requires you to travel back to the Bridge. Hop on the tram and enjoy the ride, except the part where something mysteriously stops you in the tunnel for a brief moment. Spooky.
When you reach the Bridge, head into the Main Atrium and prepare for a fight. As you approach the nearby elevator, the entire room will enter a lockdown and Necromorphs will flood in on either side. Clear them out and, once the fight is over, take the lift to Floor 3. When you arrive, take the door labelled "Electrical Systems - Comm Array".

Where to find Bailey's RIG
Head past the save station and continue down the corridor ahead to reach the Comms Access Hall. Proceed into the Comms Control Room, and immediately turn left to enter Bailey's office. Inside, you'll find Bailey's RIG and an Audio Log.
How to activate the Communications Array
Exit Bailey's office and head through the opposite door, and then immediately turn right to find a Video Log. There's also a Security Clearance door that you can enter nearby which you can loot for some extra ammo and credits. Then, head through the round door ahead to step out into a large zero-gravity chamber.
In this chamber, there are various red wires stretching across the walls. They all stem from a central node, which currently has no power. Your job is to funnel the power from the currently active blue wires to the central node using various connection tiles scattered around.

This puzzle looks complicated, but it's relatively easy to solve. Look for L-shaped connection pieces and use them to send power from side to side, working your way down and across until you reach the central node. The full wire system is far bigger, but you need only use a few sections. You can ignore most of what you find in this chamber. Once the central node has power, head back to the Comms Control Room and activate the Communications Array.
Where to find the Long-Range Antenna
After activating the Comms Array, leave the Control Room, turn right, and head through the Maintenance Gondola door. As you pass through, turn left to find a Power Node in a container. Then, ride the gondola across and grab the Text Log from the desk on the other side. From there, turn right and head through the door ahead.
You'll spot a Maintenance Locker ahead, so go inside to quickly grab some ammo, credits, and a Plasma Cutter upgrade. Then, take the nearby elevator down to Comms Maintenance and go through the door at the bottom to find the Long-Range Antenna terminal. Interact with it, and keep your eyes peeled on the shutters ahead to spot an old foe. After a brief chat with Daneils, the shutter will rise to show the Leviathan outside.
How to defeat the Leviathan using the ADS Cannons
Leave the Long Comms room and turn right. Head down the corridor, briefly stop to grab a Power Node from a wall container, and then continue through the airlock to head outside. There are three ADS cannons that you can commandeer using small terminals, and you'll need to use all three to kill the Leviathan once and for all in the Dead Space remake.
Each cannon is roughly aiming at a glowing weakspot, so simply use each cannon to destroy the weakspots while avoiding the tendril and projectile attacks that you'll remember from the previous Leviathan fight.

As you're moving between the cannons, look out for the Leviathan's arm which sweeps across the boss arena. It deals huge damage if you get hit, but tends to stay low to the ground, so fly up to get out of its path.
When you get onto the final cannon, the Leviathan will eventually destroy it before you finish the battle. To deal the final burst of damage required to complete the fight, simply use Kinesis to grab the Leviathan's projectiles as they fly through the air, and fire them back at its weakspot.

It's a fairly quick fight, so head back inside and activate the Long Comms Array when you're done. After another brief chat with Daniels, a ship called the Valor will crash into the Ishimura. Fortunately, it happens to have some parts that you need to retrieve in the next chapter.
Head back through the airlock and fly over to the Valor to climb aboard and complete Chapter 8: Search and Rescue.
For help with Chapter 9: Dead on Arrival, continue onto the next page of our Dead Space remake walkthrough.