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Destiny 2 update roadmap promises Rumble's return

Late delivery

Will I go back to Destiny 2? It's a question I've been pondering as I wrote the rest of this post, and I reckon Bunge's overhaul to the Crucible in March will be enough to tempt me back for a spot of PVP. It'll take rave reviews of the next expansion for me to sign back up for the shoot n' loot loop, mind.

Bungie have updated their development roadmap from last month with a few revised dates for when certain changes will land, plus an announcement that a popular free-for-all multiplayer mode from Destiny the first is returning to the Crucible. Get ready to "Rumble".

If you saw the original roadmap, then the main news is that the overhaul to Exotic items, originally slated for March, now won't arrive until the big 1.2 update in May. Mod improvements have also been bumped back: those changes won't arrive until sometime after the 1.2 update.

Rumble mode will come with the March update that's focused on PvP, but before then February 27th's slew of changes are focused on improving Nightfall strikes. Those are the tougher versions of regular strikes that currently include a ticking countdown timer of doom, but after the update taking things slowly will only reduce your score rather than fail the mission. Here's Bungie's breakdown on exactly how that'll work.

Except you might still want to wait, because the more significant changes to strikes (for me, at least) aren't arriving until that update on March 27th. That's partly because the art for the new fancy Nightfall rewards won't be ready until then, but I'm actually more pleased to see the addition of "repeat Crucible map/strike protection". I pretty much stopped doing strikes because I was sick of playing through the same ones back to back, even though there are several strikes that I've only seen once or twice. It's a mystery to me why it's taken Bungie this long to make such a simple yet significant change.

March will also bring 6v6 to the weekly Iron Banner event, along with a rotating Crucible playlist that'll feature Rumble and Mayhem modes. I'm glad to see the return of Rumble: teamwork is fun, sure, but 'every man for himself' has its own appeal. The 2v2 Doubles mode from Christmas is also set to come back.

There's plenty I haven't mentioned, so do check out the updated roadmap for yourself.

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