Deus Ex's Nihilum Mod Boasts Hours Of New Story
Why wait until the increasingly plausible cyberfuture for life-extending augments, nano enhancements, and modifications? Our PC games are getting them right now, as they have been pretty much since the inception of our humble hobby. Case in point: Deus Ex. It still sees the occasional hugely ambitious mod now and then, and it's more than a decade old. Deus Ex: Nihilum, especially, fits the bill quite nicely, lining its worn but hardly ragged trench coat with more than ten hours of content, 2200 lines of new dialogue, an entire, completely new soundtrack, and tons of nooks and crannies to explore and hack. It's a labor of love that's been several years in the making, and you can finally download it now.
Plot-Synopsis-Paste-O-Beam, go!
"In 2049, unsavory conditions are rampant throughout the world. As soon as it becomes clear that a terrorist attack in Shenzhen, China, was carried out by perpetrators with ties to international groups and that Hong Kong may be their next target - the United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition (UNATCO) dispatches their first nano-augmented agent, Mad Ingram, into the city to prevent the situation from escalating any further."
The mod's creator has been careful to stress that the goal was never to outdo the original Deus Ex with some whizzbang new mechanic, but to expand upon what was already there with new characters, stories, and scenarios. So basically, it's more expansion pack than radical reinvention.
I'm always up for more Deus Ex, though, and seeing how talented fans reinterpret their favorite works never fails to be interesting. So then, has anyone had a chance to walk this one's dingy, dystopic streets? If not, you can download it here.