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Best Diablo 4 Aspects: Location list and how to find all of them

How to find D4 Legendary Aspects for every class

A demonic entity prepares to dight in Diablo 4.
Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment

What are the best Aspects in Diablo 4? Was there every any doubt that Diablo 4 would give players an enormous amount of freedom to customise their equipment how they like? One of the ways you can easily bolster gear is by using Legendary Aspects (also just called Aspects). These Aspects offer very powerful, often class-specific benefits, but finding the best Aspects for you isn't always easy.

In this guide we'll go over 12 of the very best Aspects in Diablo 4, covering every class so you'll come away with plenty of options for your character's gear. For those who are unsure about how Aspects work, keep reading and we'll also go over how to find, imprint, and extract Aspects in D4. Finally, at the bottom of this guide is a full list of all 225 Legendary Aspects in the game, detailing the powerful effects of each one!

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How to use Aspects in Diablo 4

Using Aspects in Diablo 4 can be a bit confusing at first glance, but it's worth figuring it out because of the incredible bonuses they can bestow on your gear. In order to use an Aspect, you need to imprint it onto a piece of equipment such as a sword, a helmet, a ring, or anything else you can equip. You may also find existing items in the world which already have Aspects imprinted on them - in which case you can choose to use them, or extract their Aspect to put onto a different item.

How to get Aspects

There are two ways to get an Aspect in Diablo 4:

  • Extract an Aspect from an item that already has an Aspect imprinted on it.
  • Clear out Dungeons scattered across the world of Sanctuary.

Each Dungeon you clear will give you an Aspect which is then saved in your Codex Of Power. To view your Codex Of Power and the Aspects you've unlocked, just hit "Y" on the keyboard, or open the pause menu and click "Collections" at the top, then "Codex Of Power". Just bear in mind that the Codex Of Power doesn't show every Aspect in the game! There are over 100 more Aspects which can only be obtained by extracting them from existing items.

How to equip Aspects

To equip an Aspect, you need to visit an Occultist. Occultists are unlocked once you reach character Level 15, and the first Occultist you're likely to find in Diablo 4 is Demyan in the hub city of Kyovashad.

A map of Kyovashad in Diablo 4, with the Occultist location marked in red.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Blizzard Entertainment

Imprinting an item with an Aspect costs a hefty chunk of gold (around 20k), as well as Veiled Crystals, which can be earned by salvaging items at a Blacksmith.

Interact with the Occultist and select the "Imprint" tab. Place the item you want to house the Aspect in the top slot. After that you can either select an Aspect from the Codex, or sacrifice an existing piece of equipment in order to transfer its Aspect onto the item you placed in the top slot.

Select Imprint Aspect at the bottom of the window and your chosen item will be given the new Aspect. This will also turn the item into a Legendary item if it wasn't already.

How to extract Aspects

You can also choose to simply extract an Aspect from an existing item at the Occultist's. This will save the Aspect in your Codex for future use, but doing so will force the Aspect's effects to the lowest they can be. For example, if an Aspect in the table below states that you gain damage reduction for 2-6 seconds, then by saving it in your Codex the Aspect will automatically be lowered to 2.

To extract an Aspect, simply interact with an Occultist, click the "Extract" tab at the top, then place the item with the Aspect in the top slot and click "Extract Aspect" at the bottom of the window. Extracting an Aspect costs a similar amount of Gold to imprinting one, so make sure you're flush with cash before you try it.

The Codex Of Power screen in Diablo 4, showing most of the Legendary Aspects in the game.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Blizzard Entertainment

Best Aspects in Diablo 4

Legendary Aspects in Diablo 4 are categorised by class. A Druid, for example, might be able to equip an item imprinted with a Barbarian Aspect, but they won't gain the benefits of that Aspect because they're not the right class.

Because of this, we've scoured the entire game for the very best Aspects for each Diablo 4 class. Below you can read about our top 12 Aspects in Diablo 4 - 2 for each class, plus 2 more that can be used by any class you like.

Edgemaster's Aspect (Any Class)

  • Effect: Skills deal up to [10-20%] increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource.
  • Type: Offensive
  • How to get: Oldstones (Scosglen)

Edgemaster's Aspect is a very potent Aspect for nearly any class and build, giving you a significant damage bonus based on how much energy you have in the tank. The overall damage output you get during extended fights thanks to this Aspect is well worth clearing the Oldstones dungeon to obtain it.

Aspect Of Might (Any Class)

  • Effect: Basic Skills grant 20% Damage Reduction for [2.0-6.0] seconds.
  • Type: Defensive
  • How to get: Dark Ravine (Dry Steppes)

Aspect Of Might is the only Defensive Aspect in this list. It earns its place here by offering you a substantial amount of protection from all incoming damage whenever you use any Basic Skill, and the ease with which it's activated means the damage reduction is nearly always active during a fight.

Bold Chieftain's Aspect (Barbarian)

  • Effect: Whenever you cast a Shout Skill, its Cooldown is reduced by [1.0-1.9] seconds per Nearby enemy, up to a maximum of 6 seconds.
  • Type: Resource
  • How to get: Extraction

Bold Chieftain's Aspect can't be found in the Codex so it's harder to come across than some, but if you're lucky enough to find it as a Shout-heavy Barbarian, this single Aspect will catapult your build into the top tiers of Barb setups. With Bold Chieftain's Aspect you can essentially spam Shouts forever.

Aspect Of Ancestral Force (Barbarian)

  • Effect: Hammer of the Ancients quakes outwards, dealing [32-50]% of its damage to enemies.
  • Type: Offensive
  • How to get: Sunken Ruins (Scosglen)

Entire builds have been created that stem from this one Legendary Aspect. The Aspect Of Ancestral Force amplifies the range and effect of Hammer of the Ancients, turning it into a tremendously strong crowd control and pure damage ability. A must-have for HOTA-focused Barbarians.

Diablo 4 image showing a close up of a Druid in full armor.
Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment

Shockwave Aspect (Druid)

  • Effect: Pulverize creates a shockwave that travels forward, dealing [X]% of its damage to targets in the path.
  • Type: Offensive
  • How to get: Extraction

Similar to the previous Aspect in this list, if you're lucky enough to come across the Shockwave Aspect as a Druid, it will greatly increase your AOE damage potential by extending the range of Pulverize by a considerable amount. Pulverize is already a very strong skill and path for Druids to take, and if you're one of these players then Shockwave Aspect is the perfect tool for you.

Stormchaser's Aspect (Druid)

  • Effect: Tornado will seek up to [1-3] targets.
  • Type: Offensive
  • How to get: Extraction

Stormchaser's Aspect is the backbone of the Tornado-spamming Druid builds that are cropping up all over the place at the moment. This Legendary Aspect forces your Tornados to seek enemies, making it much less work to clear out whole rooms of enemies. A fantastic tool for a fantastic leveling setup.

Splintering Aspect (Necromancer)

  • Effect: Bone Spear's primary attack makes enemies hit beyond the first Vulnerable for [1.5-2.5] seconds. Bone Shards from Bone Spear deal [50-100%] bonus damage to Vulnerable enemies and pierce them.
  • Type: Offensive
  • How to get: Guulrahn Slums (Dry Steppes)

Splintering Aspect dramatically enhances the power of Bone Spear to clear rooms by inflicting Vulnerable upon enemies and then allowing Bone Shards to pierce and deal massive extra damage to Vulnerable targets. If you're going down the Bone Necromancer build route then pick up this Aspect as soon as possible.

Blighted Aspect (Necromancer)

  • Effect: You deal [50-120%] increased damage for 6 seconds after the Shadowblight Key Passive damages enemies 10 times.
  • Type: Offensive
  • How to get: Akkhan's Grasp (Hawezar)

Blighted Aspect is the perfect Aspect for any Necromancer who relies upon Blight and Corpse Explosion to clear armies of enemies quickly. With this Legendary Aspect you'll gain a huge boost to damage once you've inflicted Blight upon enemies 10 times - which can happen in the blink of an eye for a Blight-heavy Necro.

Diablo 4 screenshot showing the five classes sat around a campfire (left to right: Barbarian, Necromancer, Sorcerer, Rogue, Druid).
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Blizzard Entertainment

Bladedancer's Aspect (Rogue)

  • Effect: Twisting Blades orbit for a short time after they return to you, dealing [10-15%] of Twisting Blades' return damage per hit. Based on the distance the blades returned, the orbit damage increases up to [20-30%] of the return damage.
  • Type: Offensive
  • How to get: Jalal's Vigil (Scosglen)

Bladedancer's Aspect is a perfect match for the Twisting Blades Rogue, one of the strongest builds in Diablo 4 at the moment. If you pump enough strength into Twisting Blades then it deals simply incredible amounts of damage, so equipping this Aspect in order to make them orbit for extra damage is a no-brainer.

Trickshot Aspect (Rogue)

  • Effect: Whenever Penetrating Shot damages an enemy. 2 additional arrows split off to either side. These side arrows deal [10-25%] of Penetrating Shot's Base damage and do not split.
  • Type: Offensive
  • How to get: Bastion of Faith (Hawezar)

Trickshot Aspect is a must-have Aspect for Rogues who prefer to finish off their enemies at range with the Penetrating Shot skill. Once you can split your Penetrating Shot into three arrows which all hit the same target at once, your nuking potential against bosses goes off the charts.

Aspect Of Control (Sorcerer)

  • Effect: You deal [30-40]%[x] more damage to Immobilized, Stunned, or Frozen enemies.
  • Type: Offensive
  • How to get: Sunken Library (Kehjistan)

Aspect Of Control is a brilliant pick for pretty much any Sorcerer build, as it simply gives you a huge damage boost to all enemies afflicted by any of the major status effects available to the Sorcerer. It can slot nicely into almost any Sorcerer's kit, allowing them to blitz through Dungeons and other dangerous areas in no time at all.

Aspect Of The Unbroken Tether (Sorcerer)

  • Effect: Chain Lightning has a [25- 35%] chance to chain 2 additional times.
  • Type: Offensive
  • How to get: Extraction

Aspect of The Unbroken Tether is exclusively useful to Lightning-focused Sorcerers, but the effects are well worth its inclusion in this list. Giving Chain Lightning two additional bounces makes a huge difference in the potency of this skill, allowing the Sorcerer to remove whole groups of enemies from the map in but a moment.

The player in Diablo interacts with an Occultist and prepares to imprint a Legendary Aspect onto a ring.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Blizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 Aspects location list

Below is a full list of every single Legendary Aspect in Diablo 4, including those that can only be obtained by extracting from existing items. In total there are 225 Aspects in the game, and you can view all their effects right here, along with where to find them.

Aspect Name Type Class Description How to get it
Aspect of the Crowded Sage Defensive All You Heal for [X] Life per second for each Close enemy, up to [X] Life per second Extraction
Aspect of the Deflecting Barrier Defensive All While you have a Barrier active, there is a [7-13]% chance to ignore incoming direct damage from Distant enemies. Lost Keep
Aspect of the Protector Defensive All Damaging an Elite enemy grants you a Barrier absorbing up to [X] damage for 10 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 30 seconds. Lost Archives
(Fractured Peaks)
Aspect of Disobedience Defensive All You gain [0.25-0.50]%[x] increased Armor for 4 seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to [25.00-50.00]%[x] Halls of the Damned
Aspect of Might Defensive All Basic Skills grant 20% Damage Reduction for [2.0-6.0] seconds. Dark Ravine
(Dry Steppes)
Protecting Aspect Defensive All When hit while not Healthy, a magical bubble is summoned around you for [3.0-5.0] seconds. While standing in the bubble players are Immune. Can only occur once every 90 seconds. Extraction
Aspect of the Expectant Offensive All Attacking enemies with a Basic Skill increases the damage of your next Core Skill cast by [5-10]% up to 30% Underroot
Aspect of Inner Calm Offensive All Deal [5.0-10]%[x] increased damage for each second you stand still, up to 30%[x] Raethwind Wilds
Aspect of Retribution Offensive All Distant enemies have a 8% chance to be Stunned for 2 seconds when they hit you. You deal [20-40]%[x] increased damage to Stunned enemies. Abandoned Mineworks
Accelerating Aspect Offensive All Critical Strikes with Core Skills increase your Attack Speed by [15-25]% for 5 seconds. Extraction
Conceited Aspect Offensive All Deal [15-25%] increased damage while you have a Barrier active. Extraction
Edgemaster's Aspect Offensive All Skills deal up to [10-20%] increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource. Oldstones
Needleflare Aspect Offensive All Thorns damage dealt has a [20-40%] chance to deal damage to all enemies around you. Yshari Sanctum
Rapid Aspect Offensive All Basic Skills gain [15-30%] Attack Speed Buried Halls
(Dry Steppes)
Smiting Aspect Offensive All You have [10-20%] increased Critical Strike Chance against Injured enemies. While you are Healthy, you gain [20- 40%] increased Crowd Control Duration. Extraction
Aspect of the Umbral Resource All Restore [1-4] resource of your Primary Resource when you Crowd Control an enemy. Champion's Demise
(Dry Steppes)
Aspect of Shared Misery Utility All Lucky Hit: When you hit a Crowd Controlled enemy, there is up to a [30-50]% chance for that Crowd Control effect to spread to another unaffected enemy. Oblivion
Eluding Aspect Utility All Becoming Injured while Crowd Controlled grants you Unstoppable for 4 seconds. This effect has a [40-20] second Cooldown. Caldera Gate
(Fractured Peaks)
Exploiter's Aspect Utility All You have 20% increased Crowd Control Duration. While enemies are Unstoppable, you deal [20-50%] Extraction
Ghostwalker Aspect Mobility All While Unstoppable and for 4 seconds after, you gain [10- 25%] increased Movement Speed and can move freely through enemies. Broken Bulwark
Wind Striker Aspect Mobility All Critical Strikes grant [8.0-16.0]% Movement Speed for 1 second, up to 6 seconds. Shivta Ruins
Aspect of the Iron Warrior Defensive Barbarian Iron Skin grants Unstoppable, and [10-20]% Damage Reduction. Carrion Fields
(Dry Steppes)
Aspect of Bul-Kathos Defensive Barbarian Leap creates an Earthquake that deals [X] Physical damage over 4 seconds. While standing in Earthquakes, you gain 5% increased Damage Reduction Light's Refuge
Aspect of Numbing Wrath Defensive Barbarian Each point of Fury generated while at Maximum Fury grants [X] Fortify. Heathen's Keep
Aspect of Tempering Blows Defensive Barbarian After Swapping weapons 6 times, gain [X] Fortify. Defiled Catacomb
(Fractured Peaks)
Iron Blood Aspect Defensive Barbarian Gain [2.0-4.0%] Damage Reduction for each nearby Bleeding enemy up to [10 - 20%] maximum. Forgotten Ruins
Steadfast Berserker's Aspect Defensive Barbarian Lucky Hit: Up to a 35% chance to gain [X] Fortify whenever you deal direct damage while Berserking. Extraction
Aspect of the Dire Whirlwind Offensive Barbarian Whirlwind's Critical Strike Chance is increased by [3 - 8]% for each second it is channeled, up to [9 - 24]% Garan Hold
Aspect of the Prickling Offensive Barbarian Damaging an enemy with a Core Skill has up to a [X]% chance to grant [X] Thorns for 5 seconds. Extraction
Aspect of Ancestral Echoes Offensive Barbarian Lucky Hit: While Call of the Ancients is on your Action Bar, damaging enemies with Leap, Upheaval, or Whirlwind have up to a [40-50]% chance to summon an Ancient to perform the same Skill. Ancient Reservoir
Aspect of Ancestral Force Offensive Barbarian Hammer of the Ancients quakes outwards, dealing [32-50]% of its damage to enemies. Sunken Ruins
Aspect of Berserk Ripping Offensive Barbarian Whenever you deal direct damage while Berserking, inflict [20-30%] if the base damage dealt as additional Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. Mournfield
(Dry Steppes)
Aspect of Burning Rage Offensive Barbarian While Berserking you deal [X] Fire Damage every second to surrounding enemies Extraction
Aspect of Encroaching Wrath Offensive Barbarian After spending 100 Fury, your next Weapon Mastery Skill deals [82-100]%[x] increased damage. Extraction
Aspect of Limitless Rage Offensive Barbarian Each point of Fury you generate while at Maximum Fury grants your next Core Skill [1-2]% increased damage, up to [15-30]% Extraction
Battle-Mad Aspect Offensive Barbarian Gain Berserking for [X] seconds after swapping weapons [X] times. Extraction
Brawler's Aspect Offensive Barbarian Enemies damaged by Kick or Charge will explode if they are killed within the next 2 seconds, dealing [X] damage to surrounding enemies. Haunted Refuge
Death Wish Aspect Offensive Barbarian Gain [X] Thorns while Berserking. Penitent Cairns
Devilish Aspect Offensive Barbarian After generating 100 Fury your next Core Skill creates a Dust Devil that deals [X] damage to enemies behind the target Extraction
Dust Devil's Aspect Offensive Barbarian Whirlwind leaves behind Dust Devils that deal [X] damage to surrounding enemies. Extraction
Earthquake Aspect Offensive Barbarian Ground Stomp creates an Earthquake damaging enemies for [X] Physical Damage over 4 seconds. While standing in Earthquakes, you deal [5-15%] increased damage. Extraction
Earthstriker's Aspect Offensive Barbarian After swapping weapons 10 times, your next attack will Overpower and deal [30-50%] increased Overpower damage. Maugan's Works
Skullbreaker's Aspect Offensive Barbarian Stunning a Bleeding enemy deals [22-40%] of their total Bleeding amount to them as Physical damage. Extraction
Veteran Brawler's Aspect Offensive Barbarian Each time a Core Skill deals direct damage to an enemy, your next Charge or Leap deals [15-20]% increased damage, up to [225-300]% Heretics Asylum
Weapon Master's Aspect Offensive Barbarian Your Weapon Mastery Skills have an additional Charge. Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Weapon Mastery Skill has up to a [32-50]% chance to Stun them for 2 seconds. Extraction
Windlasher Aspect Offensive Barbarian Casting Double Swing twice within 1.5 seconds creates a Dust Devil that deals [X] damage to enemies behind the target. Extraction
Aspect of the Relentless Armsmaster Resource Barbarian Gain [20-36%] increased Fury Generation while all damage bonuses from Walking Arsenal Key Passive are active. Calibel's Mine
Aspect of Berserk Fury Resource Barbarian You gain [3-6] Fury per second while Berserking. Extraction
Aspect of Echoing Fury Resource Barbarian Your Shout skills generate [2.0-4.0] Fury per seconds while active. Sirocco Caverns
Aspect of Giant Strides Resource Barbarian Reduces the Cooldown of Leap by [3-5] seconds per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 9 seconds. Extraction
Aspect of Unrelenting Fury Resource Barbarian Killing an enemy with a Core Skill refunds [10.0-20.0]% of its base Fury cost. Can only happen once per Skill cast. Hallowed Ossuary
(Fractured Peaks)
Bear Clan Berserker's Aspect Resource Barbarian Killing an enemy while Berserking has a 40% chance to grant [16 - 32%] increased Cooldown Reduction to your Brawling Skills for 2 seconds. Extraction
Bold Chieftain's Aspect Resource Barbarian Whenever you cast a Shout Skill, its Cooldown is reduced by [1.0 -1.9] seconds per Nearby enemy, up to a maximum of 6 seconds. Extraction
Slaking Aspect Resource Barbarian Lucky Hit: You have up to a [30-50%] chance to gain 20 Fury when Rend deals direct damage to at least one Bleeding enemy. Maulwood
(Fractured Peaks)
Aspect of Anemia Utility Barbarian Lucky Hit: Direct damage against Bleeding enemies has up to a [20-30]% chance to Stun them for 2 seconds. Kor Dragan Barracks
(Fractured Peaks)
Aspect of Grasping Whirlwind Utility Barbarian Whirlwind periodically Pulls enemies to you. Extraction
Luckbringer Aspect Utility Barbarian Gain [12-20%] increased Lucky Hit Chance while all damage bonuses from the Walking Arsenal Key Passive are active. Extraction
Relentless Berserker's Aspect Utility Barbarian Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Core Skill has up to a [22 - 40%] chance to extend the duration of Berserking by 1 second. Double this duration if it was a Critical Strike. Hakan's Refuge
Aspect of Perpetual Stomping Mobility Barbarian Damaging an enemy with Kick or Ground Stomp resets Leap's Cooldown. Charnel House
(Dry Steppes)
Aspect of Cyclonic Force Defensive Druid Cyclone Armor also provides Physical Damage Reduction. In addition, Cyclone Armor will also be applied to all nearby allies. Collapsed Vault
Aspect of Mending Stone Defensive Druid The duration of Earthen Bulwark is increased by 6 seconds. In addition, killing an enemy with Earth skills replenishes [X] of your active Earthen Bulwark's Barrier. Sealed Archives
(Dry Steppes)
Earthguard Aspect Defensive Druid Gain [15-25%] bonus amount to your next Earthen Bulwark for each enemy you Crowd Control up to a maximum of 100%. Extraction
Skinwalker's Aspect Defensive Druid When you use a Shapeshifting Skill that changes your form, gain [X] Life. If you are at full Life, gain the same amount as Fortify Fading Echo
Symbiotic Aspect Defensive Druid When the Nature's Fury Key Passive triggers a free Skill, your non Ultimate Cooldowns of the opposite type are reduced by [4-8] seconds. Extraction
Vigorous Aspect Defensive Druid Gain [10.0-15.0]% Damage Reduction while Shapeshifted into a Werewolf. Steadfast Barracks
Aspect of the Alpha Offensive Druid Your Wolf Companions are now Werewolf Companions. Werewolf Companions deal [75-100]%[+] additional damage and can spread Rabies. Extraction
Aspect of the Blurred Beast Offensive Druid While dashing, Shred seeks out Nearby Poisoned enemies instantly dealing [60-90%] of the Poisoning damage to them. Extraction
Aspect of the Changeling's Debt Offensive Druid Damaging a Poisoned enemy with a Werebear Skill will instantly deal [120-150]% of the Poisoning damage and consume the Poisoning Conclave
Aspect of the Rampaging Werebeast Offensive Druid The duration of Grizzly Rage is increased by [1-5] seconds. In addition, Critical Strikes while Grizzly Rage is active increase your Critical Strike Damage by 10%[x] for the duration. Endless Gates
Aspect of the Stampede Offensive Druid Gain 1 additional Companion. In addition, your Companion Skills deal [10-20%] bonus damage. Extraction
Aspect of the Tempest Offensive Druid Hurricane damage is increased by [7.0-15.0%] each second while active. Blind Burrows
Aspect of the Trampled Earth Offensive Druid Trample now summons 6 Landslide pillars of earth during its duration that deal [70-80]% normal damage. Trample is now also a Nature Magic and Earth Skill. Extraction
Aspect of the Ursine Horror Offensive Druid Pulverize is now also an Earth skill. After casting Pulverize, tectonic spikes continue to deal [X] damage over 2 seconds. Belfry Zakara
Aspect of the Wildrage Offensive Druid Your Companions gain the bonuses from the Bestial Rampage Key Passive. Extraction
Aspect of Metamorphic Stone Offensive Druid Boulder is now a Core Skill and costs 60 Spirit to cast dealing [80-100]% of normal damage. Extraction
Aspect of Natural Balance Offensive Druid Casting a Storm Skill grants your Earth Skills [30.0-45.0]% Critical Strike Damage for 4 seconds. Casting an Earth Skill increases the Critical Strike Chance of Storm Skills by [8.0-12.0]% for 4 seconds. Extraction
Aspect of Retaliation Offensive Druid Your Core skills deal up to [20-40]%[x] increased damage based on your amount of Fortify. Seaside Descent
(Dry Steppes)
Crashstone Aspect Offensive Druid Earth Skills deal [40-50%] more Critical Strike Damage to Crowd Controlled enemies. Stockades
Dire Wolf's Aspect Offensive Druid Grizzly Rage now shapeshifts you into a Dire Werewolf. As a Dire Werewolf you gain [15-25%] Movement Speed instead of Damage Reduction and a [30-50%] Spirit cost reduction bonus. In addition, kills Heal you for 10% of your Maximum Life. Extraction
Lightning Dancer's Aspect Offensive Druid Lightning Storm Critical Strikes spawn 3 Dancing Bolts that seek enemies in the area dealing [X] Lightning damage. Extraction
Mighty Storm's Aspect Offensive Druid The Earthen Might Key Passive also applies to your Storm Skills Extraction
Nighthowler's Aspect Offensive Druid Blood Howl increases Critical Strike Chance by [5.0%-10.0%] In addition, Blood Howl also affects nearby Companions and Players for 3 seconds. Forbidden City
(Fractured Peaks)
Overcharged Aspect Offensive Druid Lucky Hit: Up to a [10-20%] chance when dealing Lightning damage to overload the target for 3 seconds, causing any direct damage you deal to them to pulse [X] additional damage to surrounding enemies. Mariner's Refuge
Runeworker's Conduit Aspect Offensive Druid Critical Strikes with Storm Skills charge the air around you for [1.0-2.0] seconds causing a Lightning Strike to periodically hit an enemy in the area for [X] Lightning Damage. Extraction
Seismic-Shift Aspect Offensive Druid Earth Spike launches spikes in a line and has a [1.5-2.5] second Cooldown. Extraction
Shepherd's Aspect Offensive Druid Core Skills deal an additional [6.0-8.0%] damage for each active Companion. Bloodsoaked Crag
(Dry Steppes)
Shockwave Aspect Offensive Druid Pulverize creates a shockwave that travels forward, dealing [X]% of its damage to targets in the path. Extraction
Stormchaser's Aspect Offensive Druid Tornado will seek up to [1-3] targets Extraction
Stormclaw's Aspect Offensive Druid Critical Strikes with Shred deal [20-30]% of the damage dealt as Lightning Damage to the target and surrounding enemies. Anica's Claim
(Fractured Peaks)
Aspect of the Calm Breeze Resource Druid Lucky Hit: Wind Shear has up to a [5-10]% chance to fully restore your Spirit Grinning Labyrinth
(Dry Steppes)
Aspect of the Unsatiated Resource Druid After killing an enemy with Shred, your next Werewolf Skill generates [20-30%] more Spirit and deals [20-30%] increased damage. Tormented Ruins
(Fractured Peaks)
Assimilation Aspect Resource Druid You have 8% increased Dodge Chance versus enemies affected by Damage Over Time effects. When you Dodge you gain [5-10] of your Primary Resource. Extraction
Mangled Aspect Resource Druid When you are struck as a Werebear you have a [20-30%] chance to gain 1 Spirit. Immortal Emanation
(Fractured Peaks)
Storm Beast's Aspect Resource Druid Lucky Hit: Storm skills have up to a [X]% chance to grant 10 Spirit. Your base Storm Skills are now also Werewolf Skills Extraction
Aspect of the Dark Howl Utility Druid Debilitating Roar is now a Werewolf Skill. In addition, Debilitating Roar will Immobilize Poisoned enemies for [2.0-4.0] seconds. Extraction
Aspect of Quicksand Utility Druid Damage from Earth skills Slow enemies hit by [25-50]% for 5 seconds. Ferals' Den
Ballistic Aspect Utility Druid When you have Fortify your Earth Skills gain +2 Ranks. Whispering Pines
Stormshifter's Aspect Utility Druid While Hurricane is active, gain +2 Ranks to your Shapeshifting Skills. Crusader's Cathedral
Aspect of the Embalmer Defensive Necromancer Consuming a Corpse has a [20 - 30]% chance to spawn a Blood Orb. Extraction
Aspect of Hardened Bones Defensive Necromancer While you have 7 or more Minions, your Minions gain [10-20]% increased Damage Reduction. Extraction
Aspect of Shielding Storm Defensive Necromancer Each time that Bone Storm damages an enemy, gain a Barrier equal to [2-5]% of your Base Life for 10 seconds. Extraction
Aspect of the Damned Offensive Necromancer You deal [30-40]%[x] increased Shadow Damage to enemies afflicted by both Decrepify and Iron Maiden. Uldur's Cave
Aspect of Bursting Bones Offensive Necromancer When a segment of Bone Prison is destroyed or expired, is deals [X] damage in an area around itself. Path of the Blind
(Dry Steppes)
Aspect of Decay Offensive Necromancer Each time the Shadowblight Key Passive deals damage to enemies, it increases the next Shadowblight's damage within x seconds by [20-40]%[x], stacking up to 5 times. Extraction
Aspect of Empowering Reaper Offensive Necromancer Critical Strikes from Sever have a [10-20]% chance to spawn a pool of Blight under the target that deals [20-60]% bonus damage. This effect can only happen once every 3 seconds. Flooded Depths
Aspect of Explosive Mist Offensive Necromancer Blood Mist triggers Corpse Explosion on surrounding Corpses. When Blood Mist detonates a Corpse, its Cooldown is reduced by [0.2-0.5] seconds. Extraction
Aspect of Frenzied Dead Offensive Necromancer Each time one of your Summoning Minions damages an enemy, they gain [10-14]%[+] Attack Speed for 3 seconds, up to [30-42]%[+] Extraction
Aspect of Hungry Blood Offensive Necromancer When Blood Lance hits an enemy that is already lanced, it has a [10-20]% chance to fire a Blood Lance at a Nearby enemy. Extraction
Aspect of Plunging Darkness Offensive Necromancer Bone Prison spawns a pool of Blight that deals [50-100]% bonus damage over 6 seconds Rimescar Cavern
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Aspect of Rathma's Chosen Offensive Necromancer Whenever your Blood Skills Overpower you gain [20-50]%[+] Attack Speed for 4 seconds. Extraction
Aspect of Reanimation Offensive Necromancer Your Skeletons gain increased damage while alive, up to [20-30]%[x] after 10 seconds. Aldurwood
Aspect of Serration Offensive Necromancer The Ossified Essence Key Passive also increases the Critical Strike Damage of your Bone Skills by 1%[+] per Essence, up to [30-40]%[+] Extraction
Aspect of Swelling Curse Offensive Necromancer Bone Spirit deals increased damage based on distance traveled, up to [15-25]%[x] Hive
Aspect of Ultimate Shadow Offensive Necromancer Bone Storm and Blood Wave are also Darkness Skills, deal Shadow damage, and gain additional effects: Enemies damaged by Bone Storm take [X] Shadow damage over 2 seconds; Blood Wave desecrates the ground it travels over, dealing [X] Shadow damage over 4 seconds Extraction
Aspect of Untimely Death Offensive Necromancer Each percent of your Maximum Life you Heal beyond 100% grants you 0.5 bonus Overpower damage on your next Overpowering attack, up to a [20.0-60.0]% bonus. Extraction
Blighted Aspect Offensive Necromancer You deal [50-120%] increased damage for 6 seconds after the Shadowblight Key Passive damages enemies 10 times. Akkhan's Grasp
Blood Seeker's Aspect Offensive Necromancer Blood Lance deals [15-25%] increased damage to its primary target per lanced enemy Mercy's Reach
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Blood-bathed Aspect Offensive Necromancer Blood Surge's nova echoes again after a short delay, dealing [70-60%] less damage. Hoarfrost Demise
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Blood-Soaked Aspect Offensive Necromancer Blood Mist leaves a trail that lasts for 4 seconds and deals [X] Shadow damage per second to enemies who stand in it. Your Movement Speed is no longer reduced while Blood Mist is active. Extraction
Cadaverous Aspect Offensive Necromancer Consuming a Corpse increases the damage of your next Core Skill by [5-10%], up to [25-50%] Extraction
Osseous Gale Aspect Offensive Necromancer Bone Storm consumes up to 8 Corpses to increase its duration by up to [X] seconds. Extraction
Rotting Aspect Offensive Necromancer Decompose can chain up to 2 additional targets. When Decompose spawns a Corpse, it has a [30-60%] chance to spawn a Corpse under all afflicted targets. Extraction
Splintering Aspect Offensive Necromancer Bone Spear's primary attack makes enemies hit beyond the first Vulnerable for [1.5-2.5] seconds. Bone Shards from Bone Spear deal [50-100%] bonus damage to Vulnerable enemies and pierce them. Guulrahn Slums
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Tidal Aspect Offensive Necromancer Blood Wave fires two additional waves, each dealing [50-60]% less damage than the previous. Extraction
Unyielding Commander's Aspect Offensive Necromancer While Army of the Dead is active, your Minions gain [70-100%] Attack Speed and take 90% reduced damage. Faceless Shrine
Aspect of Exposed Flesh Resource Necromancer Lucky Hit: Up to a 10% chance to generate [30-50] Essence when hitting a Vulnerable enemy with your Bone Skills. Extraction
Aspect of Potent Blood Resource Necromancer While at full Life, Blood Orbs grant [10-20] Essence. Betrayer's Row
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Aspect of the Void Utility Necromancer Blight's defiled area, when spawned, Pulls in enemies around the affected area. Extraction
Aspect of Grasping Veins Utility Necromancer Gain [10-20]%[+] increased Critical Strike Chance for 6 seconds when you cast Corpse Tendrils. You deal [30-60]%[x] bonus Critical Strike Damage to enemies damaged by Corpse Tendrils. Corrupted Grotto
Aspect of Torment Utility Necromancer Critical Strikes with Bone Skills increase your Essence Regeneration by [20-30]%[x] for 4 seconds. Black Asylum
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Blood Getter's Aspect Utility Necromancer Your maximum number of Skeletal Warriors is increased by 2 Extraction
Coldbringer's Aspect Utility Necromancer Every 10 seconds, your Cold Skeletal Mages cast a blizzard that deals [X] Cold damage and continuously Chills enemies for 8% over 6 seconds. Extraction
Fastblood Aspect Utility Necromancer Blood Orbs reduce your Ultimate Cooldown by [0.5-1.0] seconds. Iron Hold
Flesh-Rending Aspect Utility Necromancer After Decompose spawns a Corpse, gain [10-20] Essence. Nostrava Deepwood
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Hulking Aspect Utility Necromancer Your Golem has [1-4%] chance to reduce its active Cooldown by 2 seconds and a [0.5-2%] chance to spawn a Corpse each time it damages an enemy with its normal attack. Sepulcher of the Forsworn
Requiem Aspect Utility Necromancer You gain [3-5] maximum Essence per active Minion. Vault of the Forsaken
Sacrificial Aspect Utility Necromancer Your Sacrifice bonuses are increased by [15-25%] Ruins of Eridu
Torturous Aspect Utility Necromancer Enemies afflicted by your Iron Maiden have a [15-25]% chance to be Stunned for 1 Second when they deal direct damage. Deserted Underpass
Viscous Aspect Utility Necromancer Your maximum number of Skeletal Mages is increased by 2 Extraction
Aspect of Cruel Sustenance Defensive Rogue Explosions from the Victimize Key Passive Heal you for [X] Life for each enemy damaged, up to a maximum of [X] Life. Extraction
Aspect of Elusive Menace Defensive Rogue While you have both bonuses from the Close Quarters Combat Key Passive active, your Dodge Chance increases by [1-5]% whenever you're hit by a Close enemy. Successfully Dodging resets this bonus. Extraction
Aspect of Lethal Dusk Defensive Rogue Evading through an enemy infected by Shadow Imbuement grants Stealth for 4 seconds. Breaking Stealth with an attack grants you [1-5]% Maximum Life on Kill for 4 seconds. Extraction
Aspect of Siphoned Victuals Defensive Rogue Lucky Hit: Damaging a Vulnerable enemy with a Core Skill has up to a [10-20]% chance to drop a Healing Potion Leviathan's Maw
Aspect of Stolen Vigor Defensive Rogue Each stack of the Momentum Key Passive Heals you for [X] Life per second. Extraction
Aspect of Uncanny Resilience Defensive Rogue Whenever you trigger a Lucky Hit, gain [X]%[x] increased Damage Reduction for 5 seconds, up to a maximum of [X]%[x] Extraction
Cheat's Aspect Defensive Rogue You take [15.0-25.0%] less damage from Crowd Controlled enemies. Whenever a Crowd Controlled enemy deals direct damage to you, gain 15%[+] Movement Speed for 2 seconds. Luban's Rest
Enshrouding Aspect Defensive Rogue Gain a free Dark Shroud shadow every 3 seconds when standing still. Each Dark Shroud shadow grants [2.0-4.0%] increased Damage Reduction. Ghoa Ruins
Escape Artist's Aspect Defensive Rogue Upon taking damage from surrounding enemies, you drop a Smoke Grenade and Dodge the next [2-7] attacks within 10 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 100 seconds. Extraction
Snap Frozen Aspect Defensive Rogue Each Chilled or Frozen enemy you Evade through grants you a Barrier that absorbs xx damage for [X] seconds, absorbing up to a maximum of [X] damage. Extraction
Umbrous Aspect Defensive Rogue Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes with Marksman Skills have up to a [X]% chance to grant a free Dark Shroud shadow. Extraction
Aspect of Arrow Storms Offensive Rogue Lucky Hit: Your Marksman Skills have up to a 10% chance to create an arrow storm at the target's present location, dealing [X]% Physical damage over 3 seconds. You can have up to 5 active arrow storms. Howling Warren
Aspect of Branching Volleys Offensive Rogue Barrage's arrows have [15-25]% chance to split into 2 arrows whenever they ricochet. Shadowed Plunge
Aspect of Bursting Venoms Offensive Rogue Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes with Poison Imbued Skills have up to a xx% chance to create a toxic pool that deals [X] Poisoning damage over 3 seconds to enemies within. While standing in the pool Poison Imbuement has no Cooldown and no Charge limit. Extraction
Aspect of Corruption Offensive Rogue Your Imbuement Skill effects have [20-40]%[x] increased potency against Vulnerable enemies. Renegade's Retreat
Aspect of Encircling Blades Offensive Rogue Flurry damages enemies in a circle around you and deals [8-15]%[x] increased damage. Forsaken Quarry
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Aspect of Imitated Imbuement Offensive Rogue Your Shadow Clones also mimic the Imbuements applied to your Skills. Casting an Imbuement Skill grants your active Shadow Clone [8-16]%[x] increased damage for 5 seconds. Extraction
Aspect of Quickening Fog Offensive Rogue You automatically drop a Smoke Grenade at the end of Dash. Dash's Cooldown is reduced by [0.25-0.35] seconds for each enemy This way, up to [0.75- 1.05] seconds. Extraction
Aspect of Repeating Offensive Rogue Rapid Fire has a [25]% chance to ricochet to another target. Extraction
Aspect of Surprise Offensive Rogue When you Evade or Shadow Step, you leave behind a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades that deal [X] total Physical damage and Stun enemies for 2 seconds. Extraction
Aspect of Synergy Offensive Rogue You automatically drop a Smoke Grenade at the end of Dash. Dash's Cooldown is reduced by [0.25-0.35] seconds for each enemy this way, up to [0.75- 1.05] seconds. Extraction
Aspect of Uncanny Treachery Offensive Rogue Dealing direct damage to a Dazed Enemy with an Agility Skill grants Stealth for 4 seconds. Breaking Stealth with an attack grants you [15-45]% Control impaired Duration Reduction for 4 seconds. Demon's Wake
Aspect of Unstable Imbuements Offensive Rogue When casting an lmbuement Skill you trigger an Imbued explosion around yourself. applying the Imbuement effects and dealing [X] damage of the same type. Whispering Vault
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Aspect of Volatile Shadows Offensive Rogue When a Dark Shroud shadow would be removed you trigger an explosion around yourself that deals [X] Shadow damage Ancient's Lament
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Bladedancer's Aspect Offensive Rogue Twisting Blades orbit for a short time after they return to you, dealing [10-15%] of Twisting Blades' return damage per hit. Based on the distance the blades returned, the orbit damage increases up to [20-30%] of the return damage. Jalal's Vigil
Blast-Trapper's Aspect Offensive Rogue Lucky Hit: Dealing direct damage to enemies affected by your Trap Skills has up to a [30-50%] chance to make them Vulnerable for 3 seconds. Kor Valar Ramparts
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Icy Alchemist's Aspect Offensive Rogue Lucky Hit: Damaging a Chilled or Frozen enemy with a Shadow Imbued Skill has up to a 75% chance to release an explosion that deals [X] Cold damage to the target and surrounding enemies, Chilling them for 15%. Extraction
Infiltrator's Aspect Offensive Rogue Poison Trap no longer breaks Stealth and triggers no Cooldown or arm time while you are in Stealth. All Poison Traps activate when you exit Stealth and Poison Trap's Cooldown will be [5 - 8] seconds per trap placed. Extraction
Opportunist's Aspect Offensive Rogue When you break Stealth with an attack, you drop a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades around your location that deal [X] total Physical damage and Stun enemies for 0.50 seconds Prison of Caldeum
Shadowslicer Aspect Offensive Rogue When you cast Dash, a Shadow Clone is spawned at your location that also casts Dash, dealing [25-35%] of the Base damage. Twisted Hollow
Toxic Alchemist's Aspect Offensive Rogue Lucky Hit: Damaging a Poisoned enemy with a Shadow Imbued Skill has up to a 75% chance to create a toxic explosion that applies [X] Poisoning damage over 5 seconds to the target and surrounding enemies. Extraction
Trickshot Aspect Offensive Rogue Whenever Penetrating Shot damages an enemy. 2 additional arrows split off to either side. These side arrows deal [10-25%] of Penetrating Shot's Base damage and do not split. Bastion of Faith
Trickster's Aspect Offensive Rogue Caltrops also throw a cluster of Stun Grenades that explode and deal [X] total Physical damage and Stunning enemies for 0.50 seconds. Guulrahn Canals
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Vengeful Aspect Offensive Rogue Lucky Hit: Making an enemy Vulnerable has up to a [30-50%] chance to grant +3% increased Critical Strike Chance for 3 seconds, up to +9%. Inferno
Energizing Aspect Resource Rogue Damaging an Elite enemy with a Basic Skill generates [3 - 7] Energy. Sanguine Chapel
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Ravenous Aspect Resource Rogue Killing a Vulnerable enemy grants you [50-70%] increased Energy Regeneration for 4 seconds. Shifting City
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Aspect of Explosive Verve Utility Rogue Your Grenade Skills count as Trap Skills. Whenever you arm a Trap or drop Grenades, you gain [10-18]%[+] increased Movement Speed for 3 seconds. Derelict Lodge
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Aspect of Noxious Ice Utility Rogue Chilled enemies Poisoned by Poison Imbuement will be further Chilled for 20% per second. You deal [10-25]%[x] additional Poison damage to Frozen enemies. Extraction
Aspect of Quickening Fog Utility Rogue You automatically drop a Smoke Grenade at the end of Dash. Dash's Cooldown is reduced by [0.25-0.35] seconds for each enemy Dazed this way, up to [0.75-1.05] seconds. Extraction
Frostbitten Aspect Utility Rogue Chilled enemies hit by your Grenade Skills have a chance equal to double your Critical Strike Chance to be instantly Frozen for 2 seconds. You deal [10-25%] increased Critical Strike Damage against Frozen enemies. Extraction
Mangler's Aspect Utility Rogue Lucky Hit: Dealing direct damage to a Vulnerable enemy has up to a [25-45%] chance to Daze them for 2 seconds. Extraction
Ravager's Aspect Mobility Rogue Shadow Step has an additional Charge. Killing an enemy with Shadow Step refunds a Charge and increases the damage of Shadow Step by [1-6%] for 2 seconds, up to [5-30%] Extraction
Aspect of the Unwavering Defensive Sorcerer Taking direct damage has a [2-6%] chance to reset the Cooldown of one of your Defensive Skills. Putrid Aquifer
Encased Aspect Defensive Sorcerer While Deep Freeze is active, you restore [10-20%] of your Maximum Life and Mana per second. Extraction
Everliving Aspect Defensive Sorcerer You take [20-25%] less damage from Crowd Controlled or Vulnerable enemies. Extraction
Frostblitz Aspect Defensive Sorcerer Frost Nova gains an additional Charge but the Cooldown per Charge is increased by [40-30%] Extraction
Snowguard's Aspect Defensive Sorcerer While within your own Blizzard, you take [10.0-15.0%] less damage. Fetid Mausoleum
Snowveiled Aspect Defensive Sorcerer Casting Ice Armor makes you Unstoppable for [2.0-3.0] seconds. Sarat's Lair
Aspect of the Frozen Tundra Offensive Sorcerer While Deep Freeze is active, exploding Ice Spikes form in the area, dealing [X] Cold damage. Your Ice Spikes have a [25 - 35%] increased explosion radius. Extraction
Aspect of the Unbroken Tether Offensive Sorcerer Chain Lightning has a [25- 35%] chance to chain 2 additional times. Extraction
Aspect of Abundant Energy Offensive Sorcerer Crackling Energy has a [20-30]% chance to chain to an additional enemy. Extraction
Aspect of Ancient Flame Offensive Sorcerer While both bonuses from the Esu's Ferocity Key Passive are active, your Attack Speed is increased by [40-50]%. Extraction
Aspect of Armageddon Offensive Sorcerer An hail of Meteorites falls during Inferno, dealing [X] Fire Damage on impact. Your Meteorites Immobilize enemies for 3 seconds. Extraction
Aspect of Binding Embers Offensive Sorcerer Flame Shield lets you move unhindered through enemies. Enemies you move through while Flame Shield is active are Immobilized for [2.0-3.0] seconds. Extraction
Aspect of Biting Cold Offensive Sorcerer When you Freeze an enemy there is a [25-35%] chance they become Vulnerable for 3 seconds. Forgotten Depths
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Aspect of Conflagration Offensive Sorcerer While channeling Incinerate, your Burning damage is increased by [20-30]%[x] Light's Watch
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Aspect of Control Offensive Sorcerer You deal [30-40]%[x] more damage to Immobilized, Stunned, or Frozen enemies. Sunken Library
Aspect of Engulfing Flames Offensive Sorcerer While enemies are affected by more Damage Over Time than their total Life, you deal [30-40]%[x] increased Burning damage to them. Extraction
Aspect of Frozen Memories Offensive Sorcerer The Avalanche Key Passive now applies to 1 additional casts. Extraction
Aspect of Frozen Memories Offensive Sorcerer The Avalanche Key Passive now applies to 1 additional cast. Extraction
Aspect of Frozen Orbit Offensive Sorcerer Frozen Orb stays in place after reaching its destination and explodes 2 additional times for [20-30]% of its damage. Extraction
Aspect of Frozen Wake Offensive Sorcerer While Ice Armor is active, you leave behind exploding Ice Spikes that deal [X] damage. Your Ice Spikes Chill enemies for [10%]. Extraction
Aspect of Overwhelming Currents Offensive Sorcerer Unstable Currents has a [10-20]% chance to cast an additional Shock Skill. Extraction
Aspect of Piercing Cold Offensive Sorcerer Ice Shards pierce [3-4] times, dealing [50-100]% less damage per subsequent enemy hit. Dead Man's Dredge
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Aspect of Shattered Stars Offensive Sorcerer Meteorites fall around Meteor, dealing [X] Fire damage on impact. Your Meteorites additionally Burn enemies they hit for [X] damage over [X] seconds. Extraction
Aspect of Splintering Energy Offensive Sorcerer Lightning Spear has a [11-20]% chance to spawn an additional Lightning Spear when you cast it. Crumbling Hekma
Aspect of Static Cling Offensive Sorcerer Your casts of Charged Bolts have a [15.0-25.0]% chance to be attracted to enemies and and last 300% longer. Wretched Delve
Aspect of Three Curses Offensive Sorcerer Meteor deals [35-50]%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage against Healthy targets. Serpent's Lair
Elementalist's Aspect Offensive Sorcerer Core or Mastery Skills cast at or above 100 Mana gain a [20.0 - 40.0%] increased Critical Strike Chance. Pallid Delve
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Glacial Aspect Offensive Sorcerer When you cast Blizzard it will periodically spawn exploding Ice Spikes that deal [X] damage. Your Ice Spikes deal [20-30%] increased damage to Frozen enemies. Extraction
Gravitational Aspect Offensive Sorcerer Ball Lightning orbits around you, but its damage is decreased by [20-10%] Extraction
Mage-Lord's Aspect Offensive Sorcerer The Vyr's Mastery Key Passive's Damage Reduction is increased by [20-30%] for each Close enemy, up to [60-90%]. Extraction
Serpentine Aspect Offensive Sorcerer You may have 1 additional Hydra active, but Hydra's duration is reduced by [30-20%] Extraction
Shattered Aspect Offensive Sorcerer Explosions from the Shatter Key Passive deal [30-40%] increased damage if enemies die while Frozen. Extraction
Stable Aspect Offensive Sorcerer While Unstable Currents is not active, your Shock Skills have a [5-10%] chance to trigger a free cast from it. Extraction
Storm Swell Aspect Offensive Sorcerer You deal [11-20%] increased damage to Vulnerable enemies while you have a Barrier. Onyx Hold
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Aspect of Concentration Resource Sorcerer Your Mana Regeneration is increased by [10-20%][x] if you have not taken damage in the last 3 seconds. Extraction
Aspect of Efficiency Resource Sorcerer Casting a Basic skill reduces the Mana cost of your next Core skill by [10-20]% Domhainne Tunnels
Incendiary Aspect Resource Sorcerer Lucky Hit: Burning Damage has up to a [5-10%] chance to restore 10 Mana. Tomb of the Saints
Prodigy's Aspect Resource Sorcerer Using a Cooldown restores [15-25] Mana. Witchwater
Recharging Aspect Resource Sorcerer Each time Chain Lightning bounces off you, gain [4-6] Mana. Zenith
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Aspect of Fortune Utility Sorcerer Your Lucky Hit Chance is increased by [10-20]%[+] while you have a Barrier active. Extraction
Aspect of Singed Extremities Utility Sorcerer After Immobilize wears off, enemies are Slowed by [25-35]% for 4 seconds Earthen Wound
Aspect of the Bounding Conduit Mobility Sorcerer Gain [20-25]% Movement Speed for 3 seconds after Teleporting. Komdor Temple
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Charged Aspect Mobility Sorcerer Collecting Crackling Energy increases your Movement Speed by [10-15%] for 4 seconds. Maddux Watch
Flamewalker's Aspect Mobility Sorcerer Coming in contact with your Firewall grants you [15-25%] Movement Speed for 4 seconds. Cultist Refuge
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That's everything you need to know about Legendary Aspects in Diablo 4, how to use them in various different ways, and the very best Aspects to use for each class. If you want some help getting to the level and areas that you require to get these Aspects, check out our other handy guides on how to get a mount in Diablo 4, how to upgrade the healing potion, the Diablo 4 level cap, and more. Our interactive Diablo 4 map will also be a lifesaver if you're feeling a bit lost and struggling to find any location in the world of Sanctuary.

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