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Dishonored 2 adds custom difficulty & mission select

Plus ironman mode

If my interpretation of the update notes is correct, Dishonored 2 [official site] now has a Martial Arts Movie slider. The introduction of customisable difficulty sliders - more than twenty of them - allows you to decide "how many active enemies are likely to attack you at once". I'm hoping that means I can either choose to have mobs of guards surround me but attack on at a time, as often happens with martial arts minions, or set them to rush me en masse, ignorant to the etiquette of combat.

The sliders let you fiddle with the speed with which sleep darts take effect among other things and I'm glad that they've arrived alongside the mission select option because I don't fancy playing the whole game again, but will gladly jump back into my favourite parts with the scales tipped firmly against me. It'll all be live some time later today.

The Mission Select works as follows:

...with Mission Select, you’ll be able to select and replay any mission you unlock after the update is installed, retaining the status of your playthrough at the start of that mission – giving you a better shot at nailing that Ghost or Clean Hands run.

There's an Ironman mode to play with as well, disabling manual save and loads, and leaving you to live with the consequences of your actions, and to curse that one guard who always falls down the steps and breaks his neck when you send him to sleep.

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