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DogFighter Tonight And Tomorrow, Servers

SIGH: Seems most people are having connection issues. Which is a shame, because we are currently dogfighting inside a volcano. (Other maps may be less interesting.)

EDIT: I'll be on at about 9pm UK time tonight. Americans maybe convene at 9pm EST for Stateside shooty?

The RPS Game Club is kicking off with some weekend DogFighter. Multiplay have provided us with two official servers to play on, one in London and one in Virginia, so UK and US players can both get reasonable ping times. You can see them in the in-game browser on the "dedicated" tab, named "Multiplay :: Rock, Paper, Shotgun". DogFighter seems to have had some server wobbles over the past couple of days, but it's looking much better now. It's still super cheap if you want to join in.

Clearly we aren't going to have enough space for everyone to get on the RPS servers, but jump on some of the other servers local to you and get in some fancy shootin' if you can't make it onto the RPS servers. I suspect quite a few people on there are going to be RPS readers, and if they're not, well, they probably should be. I'll be around over the whole weekend, so try not to put too many bullets my way. The RPS servers will be up for the coming month.

UPDATE: I just rebooted the servers, so they seem to be okay now. Let me know if there are any other hiccups.

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