Drunk & Disdwarvely: New Dragon Age Trailer
First of all, I'm very sorry for the headline. Moving on. The Dragon Age trailers, they will not stop. The latest is the reveal of the Dwarven potential party member Oghren, a fighter who can join your gang. As you'll see in the trailer below, he's brash, rude, and partial to the odd drink or seven, and at odds with the political state of his home city of Orzammar.
The Dwarven story is enormous, and intricately detailed. Forgive me plugging myself, but you can read details of it in the new PC Gamer (OUT TODAY! BUY NOW!). It's a fascinating approach to the culture, and you can grab hints of it in the trailer. Which is rather better than many before it. And rather smartly he talks all over the Marylin Manson bit.