Dwarf Fortress Steam edition's Adventure Mode is out today
Featuring some lovely sounding tutorials
Dwarf Fortress's Adventure mode - a procedurally generated campaign that lets you approach the famously dense colony sim like a more traditional roguelite - is now out as a free update on Steam. The game represents perhaps the most cavernous, yawping blind spot in my entire pile of shame. I do own it, but I'm yet to play. I've already read a great deal of extended wordery on its merits - please, sell it to me in the comments in seven words or less. Here's a trailer:
Graham most definitely has played it though, calling its older incarnation "a good way to experience the charms of its procedural world and high level of simulation". Personal anecdotes and experience are great and all, but what I really want is some deeply impersonal bullet-pointed features from a store page. Here are Adventure Mode's:
- Go anywhere! Explore any civilization, earn a reputation, and recruit followers to join you
- Experience your fortress and the simulation in a new, more embodied way
- Explore mythical dungeons to find magical items, artifacts, and fill your quest journal
- Hints of mythology and magic as a start of future simulation enrichment to come
- An additional hour of music from Dabu and Simon Swerwer, presented as a second volume of the original soundtrack
As Graham covered here, Adventure Mode sounds tailored for aspirant beardlings such as a myself, with a focus on tutorialisation and a more personal feel, since you only play a single character. Here's some further insight from co-creators Tarn and Zach Adams
“In our earliest conception of the game you were meant to lose... lose for a reason! Even before your fortresses existed in a huge procedurally generated world, they were destroyed and became haunted ruins you could explore in an RPG-style adventure. Years later, as our fantasy worlds have grown and become more complex, the Adventure Mode experience is so much more impressive. Now the entire world is connected in ways you can actually see. Visit the far off lands that send caravans to your fortresses, or seek out and slay the monsters that have troubled your dwarves before. The extensive combat system only viewed from afar in Fortress Mode is now yours to use to inflict violence on your enemies... or if you choose, travel the world and recite poetry to a room full of wombat men."
W…wombat men, you say?