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Editing Edward Snowden's "toothy little cockgoblin" Max Payne 2 review

We have not reached out to Sam Lake for comment

Edward Snowden as Max Payne.
Image credit: Da Government.

Last week, Brendy covered a video essay dissecting Heavy Rain through the under-explored lens of eroded urinal cakes. It's a Pulitzer Piss Prize worthy piece of entertainment that instantly shot creator Allie Meowy up my list of faves. I chased it straight after with another of hers: Investigating A Forgotten Edward Snowden Quote - nominally about the NSA whistleblower's assertion in a 2003 Ars Technica forum post that "some Hentai games are very good", but actually far more labyrinthine and human than just that.

It's here I discovered that Snowden had also once written a colorful 500 word review of Remedy's Max Payne 2 on those same forums in 2003 under his pseudonym TheTrueHOOHA. He enjoyed the writing so much he said he'd like to have "the most grammatically correct sex possible" with Sam Lake. He calls the final boss a "toothy little cockgoblin".

So, in case Mr Snowden ever fancied getting back into The Biz - which is how we on the inside refer to games journalism at those parties where we all spin around on our free Cyberpunk 2077 gamer chairs with those Halo 2 condoms on our heads - I figured I'd offer some helpful feedback. For clarity, I'll refer to to Edward Snowden as "Ed". I'll also mark my own suggestions with "Ed", as in "editor", to clear up any confusion.

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