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End Of The Beginning: Nebulous Hero's Ace... Tutorial?

Nebulous Hero is one of the Molyjam games I actually had the pleasure of sharing a building with. Granted, this building also contained hundreds of other developers grinding their bones and brains to make bread for the collective Molyjam table, so I sadly never had the chance to take it for a test drive. During the end-of-show presentation, though, it may very well have been the coolest thing I saw. In short, the tutorial comes after the credits. So you start off by playing a traditional hop 'n' bop platformer, and then... well, let's just say it's not. It's really, really not. I don't want to spoil it, but - for those of you without the time or means to experience this bite-sized piece of brilliance - I've posted a screenshot that sums it up after the break.


And it gets even better from there. That, you see, is only the first tutorial. By the end, well, it could scarcely even be considered the same genre anymore. Basically, it's silly, silly brilliance, which is unsurprisingly my favorite kind. Try it out, and - even if you skipped straight to my screenshot - make sure to go wide-eyed with shame and shout "What have I done?" after your first playthrough. Why did you destroy the things you loved and turn them into tiny, adorably sad ghosts? What's wrong with you?

Thanks, Free Indie Games.

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