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Escapist: I've Got To Be A Macho Man

In their Epic issue, the Escapist pays me cash money to vent a little about the somewhat odd double-standard people have about adolescent games, specifically Gears of War.

Along with my peers, I chuckled at the "So Macho" remake of Gears of War as 2006 drew to a close. And this was only natural. Gears of War's washed-out, hyper-macho vision of a world on the cusp of complete annihilation was more than a little silly. That's fine. That's videogames. But my first clue that this satire was solidifying into something else came with Eurogamer's year-end awards.

Lots more, including usavoury metaphors, digs at Walker and euologising of hypermachismo in the full thing. In short: If wanting that gun Blaine has is in the Predator is wrong, who'd want to be right?

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