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Firefall's Bossman Shows Off With Laser Map Trailer

There's a bunch of new content appearing in the Firefall beta, and Red 5's bossman Mark Kern has been wheeled out to explain precisely what is going on in a new dev diary video, which you can see below. Basically signing up gives you a chance to sign up, and then to invite others. Kern also does some clever stuff with a map made of lasers. I'm genuinely interested to see how the PvE world works, which is what Red 5 are beginning to roll-out properly now. If there game can give players a genuine sense of urgency in fighting the NPCs, rather them just being a conveyor-belt of MMO-style targets, then it could make for an interesting proposition. I'm a bit less interested in the PvP because, well, Planetside 2, or Tribes Ascend. Anyway, there's some new footage in there, so take a look.

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"Very unique", eh? Sounds unique.

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