First-Person Oddity: Get Even
Photorealistic person shooter
Get Even (link to Facebook page) is an upcoming FPS from some of the folks behind Painkiller, whose new studio created NecroVision and Deadfall Adventures. If you were to watch the trailer, you'd probably be able to guess that the men in camouflage clobber have been shooting one another but other than that, the game could be about anything. Examining the textures of dilapidated buildings, perhaps, or hunting for kidnapped torture victims in the dark. It's a shame that the video is a pile of bobbins because the game has a couple of interesting ideas. The developers are claiming that 'large-scale real-world' scanning allows the creation of photorealistic graphics and I'm not sure if that means I didn't just watch a live action trailer. What do you reckon?
I'm probably just going to pretend none of that happened and stick with the text instead.
Eschewing the usual clichés and gung-ho settings currently inhabiting the FPS genre, Get Even subtlety removes the classic division between single-player and multiplayer experiences to unfold two linked stories. The game's plot revolves around the memories of its central heroes which have a dramatic effect on how the game progresses.
I'm not convinced that an abandoned building crawling with soldiers/mercenaries and containing a captured lady eschews all that many clichés but here's the interesting bit.
When players embark on a single-player mission, others on the network can join the quest as enemies, so players never know whether their opponents are human or CPU-based.
That sounds like the sort of multiplayer integration that could make for uncomfortable encounters - and I mean that in a good way. I'm unnerved every time I see another player controlled entity in DayZ and going up against a squad of baddies, not knowing if any have unpredictable flesh-brains is a terrifying idea. I tremble in the depths of my dark soul at the very thought.
Having said that, most of my experiences in DayZ have been fairly pleasant. I've certainly never been victim to anything quite as brilliantly horrific as this.
"Everyone, wiggle for this man."