Frozen Synapse Unfreezes Its Price
The 'Humble Bundle' tag by this point surely guarantees that any indie games blessed with it have the money hose turned on 'em. Latest is Mode 7 Games' most excellent tactical strategy affair Frozen Synapse, which has just now gone pay what you want under the trusty Humble banner - but only for the duration of the next 14 days. If you don't have FZ already, then I thumb my teeth in your general direction. And also suggest you swoop right now.
Beat the average price- currently a genuinely humble $4.17 - and you'll get the earlier Frozenbyte bundle (comprising Trine, Shadowgrounds, Shadowgrounds Survivor, a preorder for Splot and a prototype of Jack Claw) thrown in for free. Frozen Synapse normally costs $25, so this is a splendid deal from a punter's point of view. Celebratory announcement video below!
As always, a portion of what you pay - you determine how much of a portion goes to charities Child's Play and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The rest goes to Mode 7, and hopefully it will help 'em build us another excellent PC game soon.
Oh yes - and your FZHB purchase also gets you a copy of the soundtrack, which usually goes for $6 on its own.