Game Club: Operation Arrowhead 6th/7th
Okay, so most of our games for this Game Club thing are going to be cheap or free, but there will be a few full-price excursions. One such is the first of our community-led evenings, which will take place on the Unofficial RPS Arma 2 server this coming weekend. To play on there you will need Operation Arrowhead patched up to 1.54, or whatever the latest is if BIS randomly release another one. The server can be found at "RockPaperShotgun - Unofficial edition" or, and there is a mumble server at the same address. Password for both the server and Mumble is: rumpus
The server crew will be operating some big, organised (as much as these things can be) operations on both evenings of this coming weekend, 6th and 7th of November, starting between 18:00-19:00 UK. So come join in, it'll be friendly and fun. I'll be along on the Sunday night, myself. There's an ongoing forum thread about all this general shooty business here.