Feature Whatever Happened To X-COM's Julian Gollop? "Turn-based strategy games can actually be successful and popular" Dec. 10, 2014 Alec Meer 35 comments
News Gollop: Own X-COM "Hopeless Cause" After Firaxis Game Almost made new Laser Squad instead of Chaos Reborn Dec. 10, 2014 Alec Meer 42 comments
News Gollop: Own X-COM "Hopeless Cause" After Firaxis Game Almost made new Laser Squad instead of Chaos Reborn Dec. 10, 2014 Alec Meer 42 comments
Feature Whatever Happened To X-COM's Julian Gollop? "Turn-based strategy games can actually be successful and popular" Dec. 10, 2014 Alec Meer 35 comments