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Gratuitous Payment Options: Nomads DLC

Cliffski really does have a knack at this. He's just released his latest bit of Gratuitous Space Battles DLC, introducing the Nomads, a whole new race with ships, weapons and similar. Oldest race in the galaxy, according to the GSB fiction. But the trick is the spin he's given to this. There's two editions of the DLC you can buy. One is $5.99, the other is $2.99. There's no difference between 'em. It's simply an experiment, to try and cater for the people who say they can't afford that amount of money. Look at your life, decide what you can afford, then pay it. He's also keeping a running tally of the results. Currently, 28 $5.99 editions and 10 $2.99 editions. And if you've never played GSB, you can try the demo. Oh - the new trailer follows.

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You can buy both editions from here.

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