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Gridrunner Revolution: Now With High Score

Yet more splendid geek-sense. I finally get around to finishing reading the History of Llamasoft - and I'll save a story about how Jeff Minter and chums did sound-effects back in the pre-Vic-20-days for the next podcast - only to hear news of a significant upgrade for the already released Gridrunner Revolution. Basically, it's had online-score-tables added to it - whose absence was my main criticism. Even better, both it and the gloriously vicious Space Giraffe are now available for ten dollars a shot - or fifteen dollars for the pair in a one-two good-cop-bad-cop combo. They're two of the best arcade games of the last few years, both sharing an aesthetic but absolutely individual games ("Good Cop/Bad Cop" isn't a bad way of personifying their appeals, really). You can play it on trial by downloading Gridrunner Revolution here. More Gridrunner stuff? FOLLOW BELOW...

Apparently the game and pricing will be available on Direct2Drive and Steam shortly, and hopefully mentioning this will cut down on the inevitable "Is it going to be on Steam" comments in the comment thread. Oh - and fans of Gridrunner Revolution's music will be pleased to heard that the music by a mass of artists is now available to buy. On the internet. From here.

How does Gridrunner work. Well, here's the introduction to the game's individual bits...

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Here's lowest-level Korma's opening...

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And here's the understandably more serious Vindaloo...

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And now I'm very hungry. Do give it a shot. And Space Giraffe too, for that matter.

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