Watch Half An Hour Of Double Fine's Headlander
Double Fine's latest
Oh, hallo there! You've caught me tidying up the last of the E3 stuff on my desk. Sweeping away Tunnock's Teacake wrappers, mostly. But this? Ah yes, this is a half-hour of gameplay footage from Double Fine's Headlander [official site]. Yes, I'd also almost forgotten they were making it. Headlander is a side-scrolling action-adventure about the decapitated head of the last living human romping through a '70s retro-future world. Always got style, that Double Fine lot. See:
As I understand it, Headlander is a Metroidvania sort of a thing, by which I mean it's an action-platformer where you gain new powers and abilities over the game to opens up new areas - only here you can straight-up swap bodies.
Sidenote: Has 'Metroidvania' reached the point where, like 'roguelike' [the Unofficial RPS Style Guide dictates: "unless an actual Roguelike, use 'roguelikelike' -ed.], it's a piece of jargon divorced from its roots? Do most people even know what it means? Perhaps most people haven't even played a Metroid or Castlevania. I don't know.
Double Fine expect to launch Headlander in "late July" through Steam. The studio are also working on the crowdfunded Psychonauts 2 and a Psychonauts game for cybergoggles too. However, Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin is only announced for PlayStation VR so I'll certainly not mention that!
Do check out the rest of our E3 2016 posts, previews, odds, ends, and gubbins.