Hearthstone: Rastakhan's Rumble guide
UPDATE: 10th December - Now includes a refined collection of meta deck lists to explore.
Hearthstone's next expansion is called Rastakhan's Rumble, and is scheduled to launch in less than twelve hours from the time we published this updated article. Many players have clamoured for a Troll-themed expansion for the game, and that's exactly what we've getting this time around.
Rastakhan's Rumble will add around 130 new cards to the game, along with a brand new Overkill mechanic which gives you a big tempo advantage for doing more damage to a minion than is necessary to kill it - exciting stuff. There's also going to be a new bit of single player content, although this won't launch until next week.
In the latest version of this guide we've got details of all the new cards and mechanics coming to Hearthstone. We're also in the process of adding in new deck guides, and updated versions of our well established guides as well. Expect many changes to these in the coming days, and as we get on top of all the latest developments.
We'll throw in our usual warning as well, which is to be careful of how much crafting dust you spend in the early days. Some hot new cards always prove to be a little less impactful than predicted, and no one can really know what the standout decks will look like in a week from now. A bit of patience goes a long way here, in other words.
UPDATE - 10th December 2018: Since launch we've been busy creating deck guides for the new archetypes that have emerged with the release of Rastakhan's Rumble. We've also updated many of our existing guides for the new meta.
Additionally, we now feel we can list decks for each hero in approximate order of power, but note that this is all very much subject to change. We've also broken off some of the more experimental decks that have yet to impact the meta into their own category for each hero. If they improve in strength over time, we'll move them up into the proper rankings in each case.

Rastakhan's Rumble Overview
Here's a quick overview of what we know so far, with more detail on the new cards, keywords and single player content to be confirmed once BlizzCon is actually under way.
- Release Date - Rastakhan's Rumble will be released on 4th December 2018.
- New Cards - There will be 135 new cards in the set.
- Theme - Thematically the expansion is taking us back to to the Gurubashi Arena of WOW. You’ll revisit the Arena in its prime where trolls from across Azeroth gather their teams to fight on behalf of their Loa and the glory of combat.
- New Keyword: Overkill - This plays to the gladitorial spirit inherent in the Rumble. If you can deal more damage than you need to destroy a minion you get an extra effect (such as getting to attack again). Our Hearthstone Overkill guide contains all the nitty gritty detail on this new mechanic.
- Loas - Nine Legendary Champions embody the power of their animal god or Loa. Loas are powerful gods, usually animals worshipped in the trolls culture. By aligning yourself with one of them they will fight by your side. They have high Mana cost (25 Mana), but are reduced in cost for each spell you cast earlier on in the game.
- Spirits - Each class also gets a Spirit, promising powerful abilities to the player who summons them. All of them are 0/3 minions, all have Stealth for one turn, and they’re all Rare - so you can have two in a single deck.
- Rumble Run - There will be more single player content: The Rumble Run. More details will be confirmed in the What’s Next panel for Hearthstone. We'll be updating all the latest info in our Rumble Run guide.
- Pre-order - Pre-purchase begins today.
Rastakhan's Rumble Decks
We've been busy putting together guides for all the latest breaking archetypes in the new set. Many of these can be considered a work-in-progress, but all contain a deck list to get started with. We'll add in new articles as soon as they're ready:
- 1. Taunt Druid deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 2. Malygos Druid deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 3. Mecha'thun Druid deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 4. Token Druid deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 5. Undatakah Druid deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 6. Togwaggle Druid deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Gonk Druid deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Beast Druid deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Big Druid deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Egg Druid deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 1. Secret Hunter deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 2. Big Hunter deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 3. Spell Hunter deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 4. Deathrattle Hunter deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 5. Midrange Hunter deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 6. Odd Face Hunter deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 1. Odd Mage deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 2. Tempo Mage deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 3. Control Mage deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 4. Elemental Mage deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 1. Odd Paladin deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 2. Even Paladin deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 3. OTK Paladin deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Control Paladin deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Heal Paladin deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Holy Wrath Paladin deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Quest Paladin deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 1. Combo Priest deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 2. Dragon Priest deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 3. APM Priest deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Dragon Priest deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Malygos Priest deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Miracle Priest deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Quest Priest deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Resurrect Priest deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Surrender Priest deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Thief Priest deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Control Priest deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 1. Kingsbane Rogue deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 2. Tempo Rogue deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 3. Even Rogue deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Deathrattle Rogue deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Odd Rogue deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- Pirate Rogue deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 1. Even Shaman deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 2. Shudderwock Shaman deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 3. Aggro Shaman deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 4. Evolve Shaman deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 1. Even Warlock deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 2. Zoo Warlock deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 3. Control Warlock deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 4. Discard Warlock deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 5. Cubelock deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 1. Odd Warrior deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 2. Rush Warrior deck list guide (Rastakhan)
- 3. Dragon Warrior deck list guide (Rastakhan)
Rastakhan's Rumble Cards
Once card details have been confirmed we'll add them into this section of our Rastakhan's Rumble guide.

Druid cards - Rastakhan's Rumble
Common | Rare | Epic | Legendary |
Pounce | Spirit of the Raptor | Treespeaker | Wardruid Loti |
Savage Striker | Mark of the Loa | Stampeding Roar | Gonk, the Raptor |
Ironhide Direhorn | Predatory Instincts |

Hunter cards - Rastakhan's Rumble
Common | Rare | Epic | Legendary |
Springpaw | Bloodscalp Strategist | The Beast Within | Halazzi, the Lynx |
Headhunter's Hatchet | Revenge of the Wild | Master's Call | Zul'jin |
Baited Arrow | Spirit of the Lynx |

Mage cards - Rastakhan's Rumble
Common | Rare | Epic | Legendary |
Elemental Evocation | Spirit of the Dragonhawk | Splitting Image | Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk |
Daring Fire-Eater | Pyromaniac | Blast Wave | Hex Lord Malacrass |
Arcanosaur | Scorch |

Paladin cards - Rastakhan's Rumble
Common | Rare | Epic | Legendary |
Bloodclaw | Spirit of the Tiger | A New Challenger | High Priest Thekal |
Flash of Light | Zandalari Templar | Immortal Prelate | Shirvallah, the Tiger |
Time Out | Farraki Battleaxe |

Priest cards - Rastakhan's Rumble
Common | Rare | Epic | Legendary |
Regenerate | Mass Hysteria | Auchenai Phantasm | Bwonsamdi, the Dead |
Seance | Spirit of the Dead | Surrender to Madness | Princess Talanji |
Sand Drudge | Grave Horror |

Rogue cards - Rastakhan's Rumble
Common | Rare | Epic | Legendary |
Serrated Tooth | Bloodsail Howler | Cannon Barrage | Gral, the Shark |
Stolen Steel | Raiding Party | Gurubashi Hypemon | Captain Hooktusk |
Walk the Plank | Spirit of the Shark |

Shaman cards - Rastakhan's Rumble
Common | Rare | Epic | Legendary |
Totemic Smash | Likkim | Big Bad Voodoo | Zentimo |
Wartbringer | Bog Slosher | Haunting Vision | Krag'wa, the Frog |
Rain of Toads | Spirit of the Frog |

Warlock cards - Rastakhan's Rumble
Common | Rare | Epic | Legendary |
Reckless Diretroll | Grim Rally | Soulwarden | High Priestess Jeklik |
Blood Troll Sapper | Shriek | Void Contract | Hir'eek, the Bat |
Demonbolt | Spirit of the Bat |

Warrior cards - Rastakhan's Rumble
Common | Rare | Epic | Legendary |
Devastate | Spirit of the Rhino | Smolderthorn Lancer | War Master Voone |
Dragon Roar | Emberscale Drake | Sul'thraze | Akali, the Rhino |
Overlord's Whip | Heavy Metal |
Neutral cards - Rastakhan's Rumble
Common | Rare | Epic | Legendary |
Gurubashi Chicken | Belligerent Gnome | Gurubashi Offering | Griftah |
Helpless Hatchling | Booty Bay Bookie | Drakkari Trickster | Mojomaster Zihi |
Saronite Taskmaster | Firetree Witchdoctor | Masked Contender | Da Undatakah |
Cheaty Anklebiter | Serpent Ward | Untamed Beastmaster | Oondasta |
Dozing Marksman | Shieldbreaker | Ice Cream Peddler | Hakkar, the Soulflayer |
Scarab Egg | Soup Vendor | Mosh'Ogg Announcer | |
Sharkfin Fan | Waterboy | Snapjaw Shellfighter | |
Spellzerker | Murloc Tastyfin | Crowd Roaster | |
Banana Buffoon | Arena Patron | Linecracker | |
Ornery Tortoise | |||
Arena Fanatic | |||
Arena Treasure Chest | |||
Half-Time Scavenger | |||
Regeneratin' Thug | |||
Rumbletusk Shaker | |||
Ticket Scalper | |||
Dragonmaw Scorcher | |||
Former Champ | |||
Sightless Ranger | |||
Amani War Bear | |||
Rabble Bouncer | |||
Mosh'ogg Enforcer |
Rastakhan's Rumble Game Board
Every expansion introduces a new game board to Hearthstone and Rastakhan's Rumble is no exception:

Rastakhan's Rumble Trailer
Here's the cinematic trailer that's just been released for Rastakhan's Rumble:
Rastakhan's Rumble Card Back
There is a special cosmetic card back for those of you who pre-order Rastakhan's Rumble. Here's how it looks!

Rastakhan's Rumble Pre-Order
There are two pre-order options for Rastakhan's Rumble:
Challenger's Bundle
- Cost: $19.99
- Ready to Rumble card back
- 17 x Rastakhan's Rumble card packs
Rumble Bundle
- Cost: $49.99
- Read to Rumble card back
- 50 x Rastakhan's Rumble card packs