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Hey Cube: Back To The Cubeture

This weekend, Andrew Dennis of flash game dev Edible Castle wrote to tell us about their Back to the Cubeture games, which I'm posting about despite Andrew admitting he didn't read RPS until recently. What could he have been reading before that? What else is there? Soft drink cans and the instructions on parking meters, I suppose.

Back to the Cubeture is, however, pretty great, and will happily gobble up as much time as you choose to give it. It's an adventure game where you guide spunky protagonist Cu Boy through time and space in order to bring criminal cat Padrino to justice. All of the dialogue's massively keen to please, the world is cute, and plenty of the music and SFX is done by voice and is generally adorable. Go play! There's a sequel on the way too, and you can watch the trailer below.

"Prepare for the adventure game of the week. Maybe even the month."

Good work, Edible Castle.

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