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Hidden Movement: XCOM Uncovered In PCG

Me! I saw XCOM! Me! And I still can't bloody talk about it. But I can direct you to buy, beg, borrow, steal or consume the latest issue of PC Gamer UK, which contains a big-ass feature wot I wrote about 2K Australia/Marin's controversial do-over of The World's Greatest Videogame™. What I can say - I hope - is that the feature goes into why the game is a lot more interesting than the infuriatingly brief press release suggested. The issue's lurking on the shelves of UK agents o'news now, or you can buy a copy direct from here. Free delivery, I'm told. Oh, and the feature also includes the largest picture you've ever seen of a Sectoid from the original X-COM. We'll be spilling XCOM details on this very website in a few weeks: print/online embargo splits are absolutely ludicrous in this day and age, but there you go.

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