Home Invasion: Family Defense
Don't like tower defence games? Then bugger off. Go on, right over there. No, further. Further. Further. Further. Further. Further. Further.
There you go. You're now far enough away to safely move onto the next post that does interest you and thus not pollute this one with claptrap like 'meh' and 'oh god not another one of these.' I love TD, and I love this. Family Defense III is a Famicom-styled browser game, starring fantasy characters instead of towers. Build things, kill things, upgrade things, kill more things: you probably know the drill. So much so that the fact it's in Japanese shouldn't be a huge impediment to playing it.
I've embedded it below for lazies, but as a) it breaks out of the site's template a bit and b) game-makers always deserve direct hits, you should go play this impossibly charming strategy game in its original home here.
You should work it out - I just pressed the first button in the menus and seemed to end up where I wanted to be. If anyone fancies getting all translatory on this, please do so below.
The long button on the bottom right is the only really unintuitive thing, and brings up the vitally important play/pause controls. Also the big panel on the middle right is a second clutch of upgrades, which I haven't totally got my head around yet but mostly I just like clicking buttons.
There you go. Again, you're better off playing it here though.
It's just marvelously cute, isn't it? Even the sounds, the 1up animations... Lovely.
(Thanks be to Bryce for pointing us this way.)