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Mining 101: Learn To Play Dwarf Fortress

Dwarf Fortress is, in so many ways, the very apex of PC gaming. It is its alpha and omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. It's almost impossible to imagine another game ever approaching its scope, complexity and cold brutality. We should worship at its all-knowing feet. Of course, 99% of us will never be able to play the bloody thing, thanks to it having history's most obtuse control-set. Help is at hand, in the form of a free online class.

The remarkable experiment in crowd-sourced knowledge that is the University of Reddit has turned its hive-hand to Tarn Adams' mega-magnum opus, with 4-year DF vet Nekromancer hosting an free, online, live-streamed How To Play class on August 3:

"Dwarf Fortress Basics is a class for beginner to intermediate players. I will be covering all aspects of the Fortress Mode from world generation, to more advanced topics such as military and nobles," he says. If you want to join the currently 111-strong DF student roster, get thee here.

(Link via BoingBoing).

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