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Humble Indie Bundle 17: Lethal League, Nuclear Throne

A good haul

Humble Bundles come every fortnight nowadays but the Humble Indie Bundle is still a rare treat, something a bit fancier than the rest - the flagship bundle. Numero diecisiete is now upon us (I know - diecisiete already! but it has been six years of HIBs), a pay-what-you-want bundle of games including Lethal League, The Beginner's Guide, Super Time Force Ultra, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, and Nuclear Throne.

As ever with Humble Bundles, you can name your own price and split it up between devs, charity, and Humble. All games come DRM-free for Windows, Mac, and Linux, and you get Steam keys too if you pay at least $1.

Pay anything at all and you'll get ace ball-batting fighting game Lethal League, curious first-person breakdown The Beginner's Guide, and pleasing roguelikelike space shooter Galak-Z.

Pay more than the current average price ($5.13 as I write this) and you'll also get the Pip-enraging wacky physics 'em up Octodad: Dadliest Catch, fab co-op spaceship shooter Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, time-jumping shooty platformer Super Time Force Ultra, and mystery bonus games yet to be revealed.

Lastly, pay at least $10 and you'll get roguelikelike shooter Nuclear Throne too.

That's a solid lineup - perhaps less spectacular than some but sheesh, it's a heck of a lot of good gaming. You've got two weeks to grab it.

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