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I Like Big Boats: Trafalgar Origins

News reaches us that Preloaded have done another of their education games. You'll remember the Tim-Stone favoured 1066? Of course you do. And if you don't, you'll have clicked on that link. This time it's Trafalgar Origins, an arcade game based around tall-ships and Nelson generally kicking ship-ass. Or Stern, as I believe it's known. My quick play reveals a game which simplifies a little (you fire a broadside and your whole ship counts as if it's reloading), but includes a lot of fine details (multiple shot types plus floating powder-keg mines, wind direction, etc) to complicate it just so. And RPG elements with buying crew, facebook integration and multiplayer. Also just enough edutainment to justify its remit as part of Channel 4's remit. Trailer follows...

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Trafalgar Origins - Channel 4 from Preloaded on Vimeo.

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