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Incredibly Strong Legs: Just Cause 2 Trailers

I know I should probably resist, but I can't help myself. I have to keep passing on these Just Cause 2 videos. They've been amazing in their campaign, and they've hit a real high with the Anatomy Of A Stunt series. So below is the latest, and one from last week that I had resisted posting since the previous lot had gone up the day before. The latest isn't so great, but for the final caption punchline. The other is one hell of a tease. The game's out later this month, and I know I'm chasing my own tail in anticipation. As I say every time: so long as the game doesn't get in the way of the fun these trailers have shown, it's going to be a playground of madness. So long as the game doesn't get in the way. Because I love you I've included GameTrailers' interview about this very subject as well. Which is well worth watching.


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