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How to get Bedrock Crystal in Infinity Nikki

Here's how to get unlimited Bedrock Crystals in Infinity Nikki

Nikki in Infinity Nikki faces off against a Bouldy enemy in the Realm Of The Dark with its stomach purple and exposed.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Looking for Bedrock Crystal in Infinity Nikki? There's a dizzying number of different dresses, tops, shoes, and other clothes available in Infinity Nikki, but the vast majority of them need crafting first - and you won't get far without Bedrock Crystal. These shining purple rocks are a commonly used crafting material, but they only come from defeating one specific enemy: the Bouldy miniboss.

In this guide, we'll show you the easiest way to farm Bedrock Crystal in Infinity Nikki. It involves you reaching at least Chapter 2 in the main storyline, which shouldn't take long; and after that, we promise you'll be rolling in Bedrock Crystals for the rest of the game.

How to get Bedrock Crystal in Infinity Nikki

In Infinity Nikki, you earn Bedrock Crystal by defeating Bouldy miniboss enemies. The first time you'll come across a Bouldy is in the Chapter 2 main story quest, "Secret Ledger", inside the Hillside Cavern in Breezy Meadow. Bouldy enemies are tough because you can only damage them while the purple void in their stomach has opened up, which only happens after they've finished unleashing particular attacks. You must remain patient, dodge their attacks, and hit them six times in their exposed stomach in order to fully defeat them.

Nikki in Infinity Nikki faces off against a Bouldy enemy in a cave.
You can only get Bedrock Crystal from these Bouldy enemies, which you'll start to meet in Chapter 2. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

After you've defeated the Bouldy and completed the "Secret Ledger" quest, you'll unlock the Realm Of The Dark, a Realm Challenge accessible by interacting with any Warp Spire in the world.

Inside the Realm Of The Dark, you can repeatedly challenge different Bouldy enemies to earn Bedrock Crystal as a reward. As with all Realm Challenges, doing this will cost you Energy, so you can only do it a limited number of times per day. But this is by far the best way to get Bedrock Crystals in Infinity Nikki.

The Realm Of The Dark screen in Infinity Nikki, with the Bouldy Tumble challenge selected.
Pick the type of Bouldy that matches the type of Bedrock Crystal you need. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

When you open the Realm Of The Dark screen for the first time, you'll see there are five different types of Bouldy challenge to choose from: Energy, Hurl, Plummet, Tumble, and Command. Each of these Bouldy enemies has slightly different sets of attacks for you to learn, and each one gives you a different type of Bedrock Crystal.

So, if you specifically need Bedrock Crystal: Energy, then you'll need to defeat Bouldy enemies of the "Energy" type. The same is true with Hurl, Plummet, Tumble, and Command Bedrock Crystals. Make sure you look ahead to see which kind of Bedrock Crystal you actually need, and then pick the correct Realm Of The Dark challenge accordingly.

That's all you need to know in order to start collecting Bedrock Crystal in Infinity Nikki for all your Outfit crafting needs! While you're, you can plan your wardrobe ahead of time with our list of all Infinity Nikki Outfits. Or you can consult our guides on the current Infinity Nikki banner schedule, all the newest Infinity Nikki codes to redeem, and all the Infinity Nikki Whimstar locations.

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