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How to get more Energy in Infinity Nikki

How to get more Energy Crystals and Diamonds and replenish your Vital Energy

The Infinity Nikki protagonist.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Need more Energy in Infinity Nikki? If you want to do Realm Challenges, you'll have to spend a resource called 'Vital Energy'. Besides being fun, Realm Challenges are a great source of upgrade materials and items, so it's very important to have enough Energy on hand. If you run out, you won't be able to enter new challenges for a while.

An Infinity Nikki Energy deficit is understandably frustrating, but luckily, there are several ways to recover Vital Energy. One of them involves waiting, and the other two require Energy Crystals and Diamonds. Here's how the Energy system works and how to get more Energy Crystals in Infinity Nikki.

In this guide:

How to use Energy in Infinity Nikki

Infinity Nikki has an 'Energy' system, which means that some activities consume a certain amount of Energy. This includes Realm Challenges such as the Realm of Nourishment, Realm of the Dark, and Realm of Eureka, which you can access through the Warp Spires.

A Warp Spire in Infinity Nikki.
Interact with a Warp Spire to start a Realm Challenge. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

By spending Vital Energy on a Realm Challenge, you get the chance to obtain other resources such as crafting materials and Eureka. Click on one of these challenges to see the potential rewards and the Energy cost before you spend any. There's no need to be stingy with the Energy though; although you can't do any more Realm Challenges once you run out of Vital Energy, it will automatically recover over time.

The Realm Challenge menu in Infinity Nikki.
The Realm Challenges require Vital Energy. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

You can hold a maximum of 350 Energy at once, and the Vital Energy recovery rate is one Energy point per five minutes. This means you will recover 12 Vital Energy in one hour, which translates to 288 Vital Energy per day (24 hours).

To check your current Energy level, open the map and look at the upper right corner. See the blue flame-like icon? This is your Vital Energy bar. In the example below, the player has 127 Energy left.

The Infinity Nikki map.
Find your Energy bar in the top right of the map. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

How to recover Energy in Infinity Nikki

What to do if you run out of Energy? As mentioned above, one option is to wait for the Vital Energy to recover, but if you're feeling impatient, you can also spend Energy Crystals or Diamonds to replenish Energy. To do so, click on the '+' icon on the Energy bar.

The Energy system in Infinity Nikki.
Click the 'plus' sign next to the Energy bar to replenish your Vital Energy. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

We recommend using Energy Crystals, as recovering Energy is their sole purpose. One Energy Crystal recovers 80 Energy, and you're free to use as many as you want. You can even exceed the 350 Energy limit, but keep in mind that time-based recovery will no longer work. So if you use enough Energy Crystals to get a 800/350 Energy count, you won't receive an additional Energy point every five minutes. Once you've used 451 Energy, and the Energy bar says '349/350', time-based recovery will resume.

You can also exchange Diamonds for Energy in the same way, but beware that Diamonds have many uses, some of which may be better in the long run. After all, you can always gain Energy by waiting, so you might want to spend your Diamonds on rare items instead.

Like Energy Crystals, Diamonds will recover 80 Energy. However, the cost will increase with each additional Energy purchase per day - so you'll still get 80 additional Energy, but the amount of Diamonds you'll have to pay goes up. Here's how many Diamonds you would spend:

  • 1st exchange: 50 Diamonds
  • 2nd exchange: 100 Diamonds (total 150)
  • 3rd exchange: 100 Diamonds (total 250)
  • 4th exchange: 150 Diamonds (total 400)
  • 5th exchange: 200 Diamonds (total 600)
  • 6th exchange: 200 Diamonds (total 800)

Another downside to Diamonds as opposed to Energy Crystals is that you can only do 6 exchanges of Diamonds for Energy in a single day, which means a max of 480 Energy for 800 Diamonds per day, whereas there’s no limit to the amount of Energy you can get in one day from Energy Crystals, provided you have enough of them.

How to get Energy Crystals and Diamonds

Good news: there are many ways to get Energy Crystals and Diamonds simply by playing the game. Receiving Diamonds is particularly easy, as you can get them in bulk by completing quests, receiving daily rewards, earning new Mira Levels, improving your Compendium Rating, and more.

Energy Crystals are a bit harder to obtain. Here's how to get them:

  • Improving your Stylist Rank in the 'Courses' section of the Pear-Pal is occasionally rewarded with Energy Crystals.
  • Upgrading your overall Mira Level is sometimes rewarded with Energy Crystals. This is your main level, which is increased by earning EXP.
  • Completing Mira Journey tasks and collecting the rewards. As Mira Journey is essentially a Battle Pass, there are both free and paid rewards, so you should still be able to get some Energy Crystals even if you don't subscribe to the Battle Pass.
Stylist Rank rewards in Infinity Nikki.
Upgrading your Stylist Rank is one of the best ways to obtain Energy Crystals. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

If you're new to Infinity Nikki, we recommend holding on to your Energy Crystals for a while. Wait until you've unlocked every Realm Challenge as well as the challenge stages with the highest rewards - you'll get more value in return for your Energy Crystals that way. In the meantime, you can use the automatic recovery system to get more Energy.

That concludes our guide on how to get more Energy in Infinity Nikki. Once you've jumped into this wonderful world, be sure to collect all Nikki Infinity outfits and make sure you know how to save custom outfits. Don't forget to visit all Whimstar locations either!

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