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Kane & Lynch Footage

The Rock Paper Shotgun logo repeated multiple times on a purple background
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

I've not been paying a great deal of attention to IO Interactive's two-man shooter, Kane & Lynch, but there's every reason to think this might actually be pretty interesting. Hitman: Blood Money ate a load of my spare time this year, so I'm eager to see what IO can manage to come up with next. I'm also keen to see how this new fad for co-op gaming plays out. Five years ago there was barely a dozen co-op shooters in existence, now they're clambering out of every marketing spreadsheet. This has to be a good thing, and the ideas that developers come up with for making players work together are going to change the way we play - subtly perhaps, but we're already seeing the ideas build up. (Pulling buddies to their feet in Gears Of War, for example.)

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Thanks, Game Trailers.

And what do you think, readers?

EDIT: 20th November release date - it's going to be a busy November.

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