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Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Find out about poaching in the Kopanina forests

Here's how to complete the Bird Of Prey quest by finding the "ghost" poacher

An establishing shot of a foggy forest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Deep Silver

Wondering where to find the poacher in the Kopanina forests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2? This pernicious and annoyingly well-hidden poacher forms part of the side quest "Bird Of Prey" in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, which tasks you with ridding the Trosky region of poachers.

In this final step of the quest, you have to track down the so-called "ghost" poacher somewhere in the Kopanina forests to the north of Trosky castle. But the region you have to search is massive, and the poacher's camp is very well-hidden. Unless you're lucky, you could be stuck searching those woods for ages before you find what you're after.

In this guide, we'll show you exactly where to find the poacher in the Kopanina forests for the "Bird Of Prey" quest, and what you'll find when you get there. No more fruitless forest-scouring for you!

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Bird Of Prey quest walkthrough

Bird Of Prey is listed as a "Task" quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, but it's actually a long line of quests with some actual ramifications on the main story. In this questline, you're tasked by first Gamekeeper Vostatek and then Gamekeeper Varel with ridding the land of various groups of poachers.

Here's the order of tasks in the Bird Of Prey quest:

  1. Deal with the Rocktower Pond poacher for Vostatek.
  2. Deal with the Vidlak Pong poachers for Vostatek.
  3. Vostatek will then send you to speak to Varel for more work.
  4. Deal with the Slatego Forests poacher for Varel.
  5. Deal with the Lower Semine poachers for Varel.
  6. Finally, deal with the "ghost" poacher in the Kopanina Forests for Varel.

Generally, the Bird Of Prey quest is very straightforward (albeit time-consuming) until you reach that final step. Varel told you that this so-called "ghost" poacher is particularly troublesome and hard to track down, and it's true - you can spend ages combing the Kopanina forests before you see any sighting of the poacher's camp. But allow us to speed things up for you by telling you where exactly to look for the poacher below.

Where is the poacher in the Kopanina forests?

We won't waste time - the poacher in the Kopanina forests can be found in a small cave by the row of cliffs near the southwest edge of the Kopanina forests, not far from the road that skirts along the region's edge. You can see the poacher's exact location on our map below.

Part of a forested area of the Trosky map in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, with the Kopanina Forests and the exact location of the poacher marked in yellow and cyan respectively.
Here's the exact location of the "ghost" poacher in the Kopanina forests. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Deep Silver

It's well-hidden from most angles, but you're sure to find it if you ride (or walk) along the nearby road until you get near to the cliffs that are visible on the map right next to the road. Once you've found those rocky cliffs in person, hug close to them as you move around to their other side (the side facing towards the forest, away from the road). Keep following the edge of the cliffs and you'll come across the poacher's camp.

Spoiler warning! Story spoilers for this quest ensue, which could also be considered main story spoilers. You've been warned!

As it turns out, the poacher who's been giving Gamekeeper Varel so much trouble is a very familiar face. Hands up if you guessed it ahead of time...

Henry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 speaks to Sir Hans.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Deep Silver

It's Hans Capon! While Henry was off doing his own thing and helping everyone out to make some money, Hans has resorted to poaching. As you approach him sitting by his campfire, he'll get up and recognise you instantly. After that, you can have a rather frosty chat with him about what on earth is going on, and he'll agree to give you his poaching kit.

Then, whether or not you succeed at convincing Hans to vacate the area, you can return to Gamekeeper Varel and present him with Hans's poaching kit as "proof" that you dealt with the poacher. When you next decide to visit the area, Hans will have disappeared regardless of the outcome of your previous conversation. He'll turn up later on in the main story.

That wraps up our primer on how to find out about poaching in the Kopanina forests. For more help with Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, head to our guides on how to fast travel, how to get a horse and how to play Dice. We've also got pages on the the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 best class and Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 lockpicking.

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