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How to learn the Master Strike in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Here's how to unlock the Master Strike, and how it works in KCD2

Henry uses the Master Strike against Black Bartosh in a practice duel with wooden swords in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Deep Silver

Wondering how to learn the Master Strike in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2? Combat in the original game was utterly dominated by the Master Strike, a special move so powerful that you were all but required to spam it against opponents as you progressed towards the endgame. The Master Strike makes its return in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 in a slightly different form. It's still very powerful, but it's not the be-all-end-all of swordsmanship.

One of the main differences is that in KCD2, the Master Strike is only useable with a Sword, not with Heavy Weapons or Polearms. As for how to perform it, we'll go into that below. But first, you need to find the right swordmaster to teach you the technique. In this guide, we'll show you how to unlock the Master Strike in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, and how to use it (and counter it) in combat.

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How to unlock Master Strike in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

To obtain the Master Strike in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, here's what to do:

  1. Progress the story until you start the main story quest "Wedding Crashers".
  2. Speak to Bara the beggar near the stocks to learn about Tomcat.
  3. Track the "Combat Training I" quest to find Tomcat in the Nomads' Camp.
  4. Speak to Tomcat and follow him to the combat arena.
  5. Finish Tomcat's training to begin "Combat Training II".
  6. Defeat Tomcat in a duel, and he'll teach you the Master Strike.
Part of the map of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 with the location of Master Tomcat marked in yellow.
You can find Master Tomcat inside the Nomad's Camp. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Deep Silver

To learn the Master Strike, you need to speak to Master Tomcat in the Nomads' Camp on the west of the Trosky map. To find him, you can speak to Bara the beggar the moment you're released from the stocks in Troskowitz at the start of the main quest "Wedding Crashers". She'll mention the name Tomcat, and after enquiring more about him you'll begin the side quest "Combat Training I".

You can track the "Combat Training I" quest in your journal to find exactly where Tomcat resides in the Nomads' Camp. Once you're there, speak to him and ask him to help you hone your fighting skills. He'll lead you to the nearby combat arena, where you'll start a tutorial about using natural combos. Once that's done, you'll complete "Combat Training I", and immediately begin a follow-up side quest, "Combat Training II". It's here that Tomcat will teach you how to use the Master Strike.

The player in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 fights Master Tomcat in a duel.
Ah yes, the face of a master swordsman. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Deep Silver

However, before he will teach you the Master Strike, Tomcat needs you to prove yourself by besting him in a duel. This is a proper duel with real weapons and armour (though obviously not to the death), so be careful. Tomcat also has plenty of damage and stamina at his disposal while fighting, so you may need to train up a little and get yourself some better weapons and armour before you can defeat him.

Once you defeat Tomcat in his duel, he will teach you the Master Strike, and give you a practical tutorial on how to employ this powerful new technique against your enemies.

How to perform a Master Strike in KCD2

The Master Strike is a special combat technique that you can only use with a sword, but you can use it with any kind of sword, even while holding a shield or torch in your off-hand.

To perform a Master Strike, you must attack just as your opponent unleashes their own strike, but your own attack must be from the opposite side to their attack. So if the opponent is attacking your left side, attack to the right. If they attack from above, you attack from below.

Where to attack for a Master Strike:

  • If your opponent attacks left, you attack right.
  • If your opponent attacks right, you attack left.
  • If your opponent attacks up, you attack down.
  • If your opponent attacks down, you attack up.
The player in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 faces off against two bandits, the nearest one wielding a mace and shield.
With a decent sword, the Master Strike can often kill low-level enemies with a single hit. | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Deep Silver

The timing for a Master Strike is the same as for parrying. Wait until the green shield icon appears in the centre of your targeting reticle, and then attack from the appropriate angle to unleash a Master Strike.

The great benefit of a Master Strike is that it is entirely unblockable. If you succeed with your Master Strike, you have a 100% chance of hitting your opponent. For this reason, it's arguably the strongest combat technique in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, and it alone elevates the sword above other weapon forms for general combat.

Of course, skilled enemy swordsmen are also capable of performing a Master Strike. The only defence against a Master Strike is to make sure you never initiate your attack from the opposite side from where your opponent is holding their weapon. Instead, attack perpendicular to their weapon position:

How to prevent a Master Strike:

  • If your opponent's sword is left or right, you attack up or down.
  • If your opponent's sword is up or down, you attack left or right.

You can, of course, also attack towards your opponent's weapon, but they'll likely block it. Still, all you need to remember is that when fighting opponents who can use a Master Strike, never start an exchange by attacking them on the exact opposite side from where they're holding their sword.

That's everything you need to know about how to get Master Strike in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. For more help with Warhorse Studios' latest RPG, check out our pages on how to get money fast and how to get a horse. We've also got guides on the best class and wedding outfit in KCD2, as well as primer on lockpicking.

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