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Le Grosse Morte

The Rock Paper Shotgun logo repeated multiple times on a purple background
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

I don't speak French, so that joke probably doesn't work, but I thought it worth a try.

Our link-chums at Kotaku found this. It is, quite literally, like nothing you've ever seen before (at least hopefully). Footage is Not Safe For Work. With Capitals. I mean, it's not Warren-Ellis-Don't-Look-link bad or anything, but it's about as out there as (say) Battle Raper. Probably worse, in fact. I'm not sure if there's actually a scale for these things. Maybe we should make one, on which this would score a nine, as we're famously hard-markers on weird-shit perversion.

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The game in question is Love Death 2. It's a section of first-person shooting, except that it's a love-gun firing its sticky bullets. We're dealing with a veritable one-man Bukkake, with a minigun at the hip and a hair-trigger, ready to go off AT ANY TIME. It's indescribable. Or, at least, indescribable to us right now. I hope it has an early release.

It also begs the question: How did we miss the original Love Death?

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