Sounding The Horn: LOTRO Rides To Helm's Deep
Expansion pack of the rings
We all know how the story of Rohan plays out, and in November The Lord Of The Rings Online will allow you to play out that story. The Helm's Deep expansion is a great big piece of work for the MMO, including the famous siege itself, and a raise of the level cap to 95. It's not unpricey, though, with the basic edition ringing in at a hefty £29.99.
More details below.
The expansion arrives November 18th, and comes in two eye-wateringly expensive flavours:
PREMIUM EDITION - $59.99, €53,99, £44.99
Features all Helm’s Deep content, with level cap increase. This edition also grants these great items:
Armour of the Hammerhand – an exclusive full set of Rohirrim cosmetic armour
+10 quest log slots
Crystal of Remembrance – adds one additional legacy to your legendary weapon
Helm’s Deep Title – Helm’s Enforcer
Helm’s Deep Title – Helm’s Avenger
2000 Turbine pointsPre-purchasers will also receive these items that can be used immediately in the game:
Shield of the Hammerhand (Statted Cloak +25%XP, scales to level of wearer)
Exclusive War-steed Bundle (The Steed of the Hammerhand) – an exclusive Rohirrim mount with matching War-Steed appearanceBASE EDITION – $39.99, €35,99, £29.99
Features all Helm’s Deep content, with level cap increase. Also grants these items:
Hauberk of the Hammerhand - an exclusive Rohirrim cosmetic chest piece
Helm’s Deep Title: Helm’s Enforcer
1000 Turbine pointsPre-purchasers will also receive these items that can be used immediately in the game:
Token of Hornburg (+25% Monster XP)
The Steed of the Hammerhand – an exclusive Rohirrim Mount